Twenty One

1.6K 52 27

A/N -
Songs performed in order:

All I wanted - Paramore
Nobody - Mitski
Hermit the Frog - Marina and the Diamonds
Washing Machine Heart - Mitski
Apocalypse - cigarettes after sex

Italics = Alyce

Bold = Dean and Theo (backup)

Bold Italics = Alyce, Theo, and Dean


- Narrator's POV -

- London performance, May 26th -


"Woohoo! That was brilliant Finn!" Millie squealed as the whole arena did the same when Calpurnia finished their last song. There was - like every other concert this year - around 20,000 people cheering, clapping, and yelling.

Finn, unfortunately, did not see Millie.  She honestly didn't want anyone to.  No one even knew she was there. (Unless they saw what she commented on AATF's most recent Instagram post).  But if Finn or even Alyce saw the comment, they would have already called or texted her. 

"Thank you, thank you..."  Finn shushed a majority of the large audience.  "Honestly, I never thought we would be able to perform in front of this many people.  I want to thank all of you for supporting us as a band and individuals."  Many people cheered.  Finn then went on about thanking Alyce, Theo, James, and Dean for giving them this amazing opportunity.  Calpurnia always thanked the crowd and AATF at the end of their small performance.

The crowd cheered as the lights on the stage went dark while Calpurnia moved their instruments that were soon replaced with Alyce and the Flames'.  Like always, before AATF goes on stage, the countdown popped up on the screens.  One big screen is on the back wall of the stage, and two medium-sized screens are on each side of the stage. 

20 minutes showed on all three screens in front of the viewers.  The lights throughout the seating area lit up so people can use this time as a bathroom break, food break, or to buy Alyce and the Flames and Calpurnia merchandise.


"Um, I'm going to go and get some water,"  Louis murmured as he stood to his feet.

15 minutes.

"What's wrong?"  Millie asked. 

Louis looked at his two friends, "Nothing, just getting some water." 

Millie's eyes go wide and she walks up to Louis, "Louis, you're pale." She said with concern.

"Yeah, not feeling too well,"  Louis mumbled.

William chuckled from behind them.  "You haven't even met her yet."

Millie rolled her eyes and William's comment and grabbed Louis's hand as they stumbled through the people in the row and made their way to the main lobby to purchase some water for Louis.

They tried to hurry throughout the crowd, hoping not to take long and making them miss the beginning of the show.


5 minutes.

Louis and Millie finally made it back to their seats just in time. 

Louis drank a lot of his water and ate some of William's snacks - who was just so happy to share his food - Louis had to ask William many times if he could take even just a bite of his food, thinking it might help his uneasiness.  Only when Millie asked William politely - which Louis didn't quite accomplish - did William finally say yes.

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