Riding The Bus

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I spent the rest of the day in my room, sleeping on my bed. I woke up on Sunday, temporarily forgetting everything that transpired the day before. I found food waiting for me by my bedside. I didn't eat it immediately but rather went to have my bath. The day continued as boring as it started. Eventually, night came. I slept off and woke up today.

I started today praying it would be as boring as yesterday. Boring means peaceful, and peaceful means barely any interaction with anybody, and barely any interaction means I won't nearly kill someone. Unfortunately, my life is sad.

I was to go to school today. I was already ready when my uncle came to wake me up. We hadn't talked since the whole thing, and I wasn't planning on talking with him any time soon. The same goes for TDL. Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry with them. I just don't feel comfortable talking to them.

On the boat ride to the warehouse of the ninjas, it was pretty quiet. Uncle Wu took charge of the boat while I sat reading my physics textbook. It had been a long while since I opened it, and I was already lagging behind in classes. Uncle Wu tried to talk to me at some point, but I wasn't very responsive.

Once we reached the dock by the warehouse, we docked the boat, and I got off. I had about thirty minutes to spare before the bus arrived at the stop, so I took my time getting there. My uncle walked with me, looking really tense. I almost thought he was nervous about something, but I brushed it off. There was no time to be curious anyway. I'd missed too much school, and I needed to catch up.

"Lloyd," Uncle Wu said, pulling me out of my textbook. We were sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive. "About what happened on Saturday-"

"I don't want to talk about it."

It was silent once again. I went back to my book and uncle Wu kept fidgeting his fingers. Eventually, his fidgeting fingers began to get on my nerves.

"What's wrong with your hand?"

"Nothing, nephew."

"You're not supposed to lie. That's my thing."

"You're right, Lloyd. I shouldn't be lying. To be honest, I was thinking about getting you a phone. I can't be with you all the time, so I thought it might be convenient."

"Aren't you supposed to be a super wise sensei? Super wise senseis know that they shouldn't lie." I told him. "Besides, I already have a phone."

"Wait, what?" My uncle and I said at the same time.

"When did I/you get a phone?" We both asked.

"I think it was when I was with Kai, Jay, and the others. I was distracted by this awesome ice cream offer I'd completely forgotten about. Then I brought out a phone and began checking for something but I can't remember what it was."

"Let me take a look at it." My uncle asked.

"I don't think I have it on me, uncle. It's like the crowbar incident at school. The thing just came out of nowhere."

"Crowbar incident?"

"It's a weird and long story."

The bus finally arrived. I put my book into my bag and stood up from the bench.

"Wait, Lloyd," My uncle said, also standing up from his seat. "That textbook you've been reading. I don't remember you owning a book like that."

"You sure?" I asked. I climbed aboard the bus and turned to my uncle. "I'll check."

As I turned away and looked towards the inside the bus, I then remembered something very important that I shouldn't have forgotten. I dread riding the bus.

The instant I looked towards the inside of the bus, everyone shifted towards the left side of the bus. I sighed. What I would give for people to stop fearing me.

I took a seat on the right side of the bus, on a chair closest to the window. I mentally prepared myself for the rest of the ride and braced myself for any inconveniences caused by the people clamored together on one side of the bus.

"Hey, there."

I turned to someone who seemed to have gotten on the bus from the same stop that I got off of. He looked like he was in my grade but I'd never seen him before. I wondered if this was a season of new students. First Kai and the others, then a girl who looks like a Japanese princess from an ancient dynasty, and now this British guy with a weird green streak in his black hair. I mean my hair's also partly green but his style is just uncalled for. And no, I'm not jealous that he looks cooler than me. Why would you even think that?


"Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you?" The dude said.

"What happened to sitting with those weirdos on that side?"

"It's a bit cramped."

"And the other free seats on this side?"

"Well, I'm new here and I'm eager for someone to talk to."

I groaned to myself, "Another new student? Really?"

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing. Now leave me alone."

"Oh, sorry if I'm bothering you," The guy said. He then sat down on the chair right next to me despite the fact that I told him to leave me alone.

"You look like that guy from Thursday."

"Thursday?" I recalled that I was at the police station on Thursday but I can't remember what for.

"Yeah, you even sound like him. Except his voice was deeper and much scarier."

"That actually sounds like me. Huh."

"Is it true you turn into a rampaging monster whenever any little thing agitates you?"


"Did you really snap someone into two when you were in the second grade?"

"Snap someone into two?!"

The new guy nodded. He then came closer and began to whisper, "I heard that you're secretly the dark lord, and you terrorize Ninjago city just because you get angry at your classmates."


"Alright, kids! Get your butts off my bus!"

I stood up in shock, still trying to process everything the new student had said. I got off the bus and the new student followed right behind.

"The name's Morro! See you later."

I don't know whether it's his accent or the green streak but I don't trust that kid.

Well, I've got classes now that my homeroom's over. I'll continue this in the next entry.

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now