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You'll get the meaning of the title later in the entry.

Okay, so I know I reacted a little over the top because of a stash of chocolates and sweets but I have a sweet tooth and a really bad addiction. Little things like that make me react rashly for no good reason. If it's any consolation, GEM was buried in the volcano's lava, and a new robot is on its way.

Alright, so I last left off when my uncle Wu came over because TDL called him as a result of my first 'murder'. Honestly, I'm surprised it took me this long before I actually destroyed something because of my anger. I mean I was always doing rash stuff to people out of anger but I've never actually destroyed private property (that mattered at least). At least GEM wasn't a person. If she were a person, I probably wouldn't have had the time to write the last entry. I'd be too busy sulking in my guilt. Good thing GEM was a robot.

Anyway, Uncle Wu told me he had some news for me. I wasn't excited because anytime he had 'news' for me, it would never be good for me. Although I wasn't excited, I was really impatient. It would be better if he just went on and told me what the news was so I could deal with it faster.

"Your friends just fully recovered from their injuries and would like to talk with you."

"Oh. Wait, what?" I had a few issues with what he had said.

"You're not happy with their recovery?"

"No, it's not that. I just thought you wanted my friends to visit. Here. At TDL's place." I may have sounded a bit shy when I said that. That was mostly because- well, you know why.

"TDL?" My uncle asked seeming confused. It was then I realized my uncle didn't know that I called the Dark Lord, TDL.

"The Dark Lord. That's what it stands for."

"Oh," Uncle said in realization, "Well, your friends do want to see you but they can't meet here. I was thinking of borrowing you for tomorrow."

"Borrowing me?" I asked, "You're going to drop me back here? In this jailhouse?!"

"Lloyd this is not a jailhouse. It's even better than our apartment."

"No, it isn't," I corrected him, "Underneath all the gold, it's plain dirt. Weren't you the one who said to not judge a book by its cover?"

I smirked a bit when my uncle shook his head a bit. I and my uncle Wu have this match going on where I point out wise things he says and he forgets to do them and he'll point out things I say that I forget to abide by. Each time one of us figures out something the other does is wrong, we make it known to one another, usually just to see their face when they realize what happened. it's a bit confusing but it gets simpler to understand after dealing with it for a while.

"Ah, but weren't you the one who said journals are for little children with nothing better to do? Look who's using it."

"Darn it."

If someone (my uncle) were to point out a situation just like the ones above, then whatever issue that was that person's fault is allowed to be forgotten. In this case, I lose again. It's really hard to catch my uncle Wu in a wrong act. He's too good and if he makes a mistake he always has the perfect comeback to use on me.

"Going to have to be faster, dear nephew." I did have something up my sleeves though that I had been saving if we ever got into this game again.

"Still," I said, "You were the one who said you'd never involve yourself in tedious activities and that's why you don't teach people to be like the ninja."

It's double the point because I uncovered two related things in one sentence.

1- Tedious activities (he teaches the ninjas).

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now