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I was halfway through (Thursday) and it's not that bad. Micheal's in school, sadly. If you don't remember Micheal, he's the one I twisted his arm backward when he tried videoing me up close.

I met the guys. Well, actually, I saw them. Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Nya were all in my homeroom and in a few of my classes. They tried talking to me but I sorta avoided them and ignored them whenever they told me to wait so they could talk to me. It all started in homeroom today.

*ripples* *ripples* (Ripples are a flashback effect- in case you didn't know)

I was stuffing my mouth with my last sandwich as I hopped off the boat. Uncle Wu was acting strange and didn't say a word, not until we got to the bus stop. I had really hoped I wouldn't be taking the bus to school today since everyone's too afraid to sit next to me. They always run to the opposite side of wherever I sit on the bus. When the bus starts moving, it's like all the weight from the other side makes the bus tilt sideways in a really freaky way.

"Do I really have to ride the bus?"

"Yes, Lloyd," Uncle Wu answered, "How else do you plan on getting to school?"


In truth, I had no money to get a cab and no alternative idea as to how else I'd get to school besides the bus. It's sadly the only mode of transportation left. I wanted to save up for a motorcycle I would get myself before my birthday but someone else got the one I wanted and, well, the rest were too expensive. I had so many daydreams of me with the bike.

How I'd spend my Saturday afternoon on the paint job, ride around the neighborhood for a test drive, show off to Nya that my bike is way cooler than hers, and finally be able to go to Monster Amusement Park with Uncle Wu. He loves the Ferris wheel but we rarely ever go there because we live too far from it and none of the other amusement parks in the area are as cool.

But, back to the point, I waited for the bus when uncle Wu left. I was wondering why he was acting so strange that he didn't even return my good morning and that's a big deal when it comes to uncle Wu. I decided I was going on full detective mode.

Full detective mode is when I stop ignoring the suspicious and weird things around me and try to figure out what's really going on. Of course, turning on this mode has serious disadvantages. For one, I can't stop till I figure out the mystery and if anyone closely related to me has a secret they're hiding from me I have to try and figure out what it is even though it's best I don't.

Another disadvantage is that I have to close myself off from people. I know I'm not the most popular guy in school or anywhere for that matter but closing myself off makes me unbearable to others, a trait which I learned has serious consequences since I get angry when people act rude to me because of my unbearable attitude.

There's also another disadvantage but that's only until after the mystery is solved. Thing is, most times when someone is hiding from me, it's usually because they did something wrong or they know I'm going to kill them if I found out. When I do find out, my emotions become jumbled up and I'm left to choose between going full-on rage on whoever's hiding something from me or have a full mental breakdown.

I've only had a mental breakdown once and that was when I was nine and I figured out that my parents weren't the cool legendary heroes my uncle made them out to be but instead people who left me at a really young age with no excuse, no reason, and no goodbye message. I was nine and I was emotionally hurt but I'm much older now and will try my very best to not have another breakdown.

As expected, everyone shifted to the opposite side of where I sat the minute I sat on the bus. I got a bit mischievous and made it seem like I was indecisive about where to sit. I laughed on the inside at how they kept shifting from one side of the bus to another. It was extremely funny.

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now