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Couldn't find a name for this entry so...

As it turns out, the last entry wasn't long (let's blame the uncomfortable kids' tunnel thing for that) but this one might be.

We last left off with me asking my mother about the whole 'disappeared' thing. First, I'm going to tell you what happened with Jay and the others.

With my friends (or former friends)-

After the whole thing with Kai, and the stuff with Nya, Cole walked towards me with Micheal hanging on his shoulder. He dropped Micheal on one of the cafeteria chairs and continued to walk towards me.

"Look, Lloyd, we're not saying you can't leave and head to class," Cole said, "We just can't believe what we just saw. You owe us an explanation."

I groaned. "And you will get that explanation, eventually," I said as I looked away guiltily.

"And when will that be?!" Jay asked hysterically, "As far as we are concerned, you're not leaving here till we get a fully detailed explanation."

"Or you could give us one after school," Zane suggested.

Jay pulled Zane towards and whispered something while looking suspiciously at me.

"Oh," Zane said, "Well, Lloyd, it seems we won't be available after school today or during the weekend. It seems this is the only time for you to talk with us."

"And since you don't have a phone," Cole said, "You can't just call us at any time."

I groaned again. I was not ready to tell them about my issues. At that moment I felt a quick but sharp pain in my head. I lost balance for a second and managed to regain it back.

I quickly got my composure back and turned to the others. Nya looked more or less shocked, Kai was still fretting over his wrist, Zane looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't, and Jay looked confused.

"You're eyes," Kai said surprised, "they're red."

I've always wondered what it means to have red eyes. Is it like conjunctivitis or that my green irises turned red? Either way, when Kai said that, I saw things from a different perspective.

Kai looked very angry about his broken wrist, Cole looked ready to pummel me to the ground, Nya seemed insulted by my cake rejection, Zane looked cold and intimidating while Jay looked like a crazy supervillain ready to strike at me.

I got angry too, although I'm not sure why. I clearly remember tilting my head to look behind Nya and noticed some students filming the ongoing drama that had erupted. A part of me promised to deal with them later although at the same time I didn't really care. It's like there were two people leaving in my body. One is me and the other is another form of me, a darker form to be specific.

All of a sudden, my head hurt, and then, whoosh, the pain disappeared like the wind, again. My anger was no longer behind the boundary line of my emotions. I got really angry like something was fueling me even though I had no real reason to get angry. I blacked out for a little moment before waking up and finding everyone coming at me.

Out of instinct, I grabbed Jay's arm and tossed him to hit the others. Zane and Nya got taken out. Jay then accused me of using him to hurt his friends. He told me it was the worst thing he'd ever seen.

"What is wrong with you, Lloyd?"

"We did absolutely nothing wrong and then you just try to kill us!"

"And that kid too! What did he ever do?!"

"You're a bully! A big mean bully! Who turns into a raging monster over little things!"

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now