Let's Leave The Explanations Aside For Now

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After Operation FYLH, I got tired and passed out on my bed. I woke up and found myself sitting at the desk in the room. I didn't remember how I got there, so I brushed it off and went to take a bath. On my way to the bathroom, my uncle called out to me.

"Lloyd! It's time for school!"

I turned to the door. I couldn't see as clearly as I would have loved, not to mention I wasn't in a good mood. I had a slight headache, and I was hungry. My assignments lay on the floor undone, and the phone that kept coming out of nowhere had so many notifications.

"Lloyd, are you up?" My uncle Wu asked, knocking at the door. "Don't tell me you're still in bed. You'll be late."

I'm not entirely sure why I didn't answer him. I probably didn't feel like it since I felt so tired.

"Lloyd?" The knocking got louder, "I'm coming in."

I wanted to say something, but my throat suddenly felt scratchy. Uncle Wu came into the room and spotted me out of bed.

"You're awake," Uncle said, "Why didn't you say anything?"


"Well, hurry up and get ready," He told me, "It's my day to take you to school."

"Why do you keep saying school?" I asked amidst the sore throat, "Today's Sunday isn't it?"

"Don't you remember? Yesterday was Sunday. Did you forget what happened yesterday?" Uncle Wu asked me.

I decided not to bother my uncle about it.

"Nevermind. I'll be down in 15 minutes."


Uncle Wu left the room and shut the door. I fell back on my bed and decided against taking a bath. I changed into some clean clothes and went out to the living room.

"Just in time!" My mom said once she saw me. TDL perked up from where he was in the kitchen.

"Breakfast's ready," TDL told me, "You like bacon, right?"

"Actually," I said with hesitation. "I'm not hungry."

I could feel that my stomach was suddenly upset about something, but it wasn't hunger.

"Why's that?" TDL asked.

I shrugged. I felt nauseous, so I didn't talk. I went towards the elevator and pushed the down button. All of a sudden, I threw up.


I wondered what happened the day before to put me in such a state, but nothing came to mind.

"Lloyd! Are you okay?"

"S-stop shouting," I managed to utter.

"You don't have to speak if it's too hard," TDL told me, "Go lie down. We will clean up over here. I'll get you some calming tea."

I looked at my watch. I didn't want to let something like this get in the way of school. I'd missed too much already.

"No tea, please," I told TDL, "Sorry about the mess. I should be going now."

"You can't go to school," My mom said, "You're sick."

"No, I'm not," I told her.

My mom stood in front of the elevator with her arms crossed.

"You're not going anywhere," She said firmly. I sighed and walked away from her. I went over to the balcony instead.

"What do you think you're doing?!" TDL asked, surprised.

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now