A Cold Monday

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It's the first day of tests, and I am as ready as possible. All my assignments are complete, and my brain is prepared to put information on my test paper. The only thing I am good for is passing school, so I try to do it well. I firmly believe that the only reason uncle Wu hasn't dropped me at the side of the road -- aside from the fact that I'm related to him -- is that I am not wasting his money.

I haven't fully mentally dealt with what happened yesterday, but I have decided to move past it for my grades.

I returned to the way of the hoodie. Covering myself with that beautiful oversized cloth is the only way to dress. No internet fashion advice will stop me. Unfortunately, my uncles stopped me. They thought it was cool how I looked the day before (even though it was probably not). They spent the entire morning searching my closet for clothes. I pretended they weren't there. With one hand holding a mini-textbook and another drying my hair, I secretly settled on a hoodie on top of whatever they found.

That didn't work out, however. I don't know when it happened, but I was suddenly pulled in front of a mirror. TDL was enthusiastic about the whole setup. Uncle Wu watched and decided whether or not it was okay.

"What do you think, Wu? Doesn't this look like something a popular kid would wear? Let's make our boy popular."

"Focus on finding something suitable, brother. That's too light for this weather."

"Sorry, what's wrong with what I usually wear?"

"Everything," The two said at the same time.

"I've been wearing the same thing my entire life. I can't just wear something different."

"Yes, you can. Didn't you say you don't care what people would think? You'll be fine."

I groaned. There goes another point for uncle Wu.

Thirty minutes later, I'm in another turtleneck. Sigh...

I was given a hoodie, but it wasn't the same. The sleeves were short and loose(?). The hood wasn't large enough to resemble the grim reaper's, and it felt more like a shirt than a hoodie. Sigh...

Arriving at school was a nightmare. Everyone kept staring. My soul cried for people to mind their businesses, but that didn't happen. What's worse? I bumped into Micheal. Sigh...

"Woah. Who is this fine gentleman?"

"Can I help you with something?" I asked in the most annoyed tone possible.

"Wait. Lloyd, is that you?"

"What kind of question is that?" Was he blind? Who else looks like me?

"Well, you look different. I almost didn't recognize you."

"You can thank uncle Wu for that," I sighed. I walked toward my locker, Micheal following behind.

"Shouldn't you be prepping for today's test?"

"Already read."

"Then read again."

"Nah, I could barely understand my notes the first time."

I stopped and turned to Micheal. "What does that mean?"

"Math is hard. Everyone knows that." Micheal shrugged. I scratched the end of my scalp with my finger.

"Wait," Micheal said, "Isn't math hard for you? Don't you hate it? Or find it boring?"

I looked away and continued walking. How do I tell someone I enjoyed something nobody else seems to like or understand?

"You know, silence is also an answer."

"Well, what do you want from me? I just so happen to find math interesting..."

It turned quiet, and not just between Micheal and me. The entire hallway too. I looked around in case a teacher was passing by. Nobody.

"It's because of you and your new style," Micheal said, laughing. "Where you always this dumb?"

I eyed him before walking away, annoyed. I heard him laugh even harder, making me feel awkward.

I walked into class and almost bumped into Zane.

"Ah, excuse me," He said before walking past me.

I sighed to myself, entering the classroom. I forced myself to move past it and go to my seat.

"Um, sorry, this seat is already reserved for someone."

"Huh?" Well, what do you know? Another person who doesn't recognize me. Just because I don't have something hiding my face doesn't mean I look any different. Sheesh.

"Kyle, please move aside."

Kyle gasped. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have to act so surprised," I told him as I sat down.

It was then I decided I'd reached my daily limit for speaking. Things were getting more uncomfortable, and raising the hood to cover my head was not working.


Not ten minutes after the tests ended, I got an unwanted visitor.

"Well, look who decided to come to school looking different. You even decided to tie your hair up."

That was TDL's idea. Apparently, it was something uncle Wu did when he was younger.

"Thank you, Chen. What do you want?"


I scoffed and turned to him. "Not after what you pulled last time. What right do you think to ask me for anything after breaking our deal?"

"I didn't know they were your friends," Chen said without remorse. "Let's put all that behind us and move on."

The audacity of this person.

"The deal was everyone in our grade and whoever's below. Did I say they have to be friends?"


"How long?"


I stood up from my seat, feeling annoyed. The sides of my head started to feel uneasy. I picked up my bag.

"Hey, it was only those guys," Chen looked at his followers. They nodded in agreement.

"I'm not asking because I don't know. I'm not stupid." At this point, a crowd had formed outside the classroom. Seriously, why can't people mind their business?

I started to walk away, but the cheerleader placed his hand on my shoulder to stop me. "Hand over your expenses, Garmadon. That is if you want your friends to live worry-free."

All I can say is turning over a new leaf is not easy. One minute you're having a wonderful conversation with someone. The next? That someone is on another side of the classroom, slammed against the wall. Haha. Isn't that funny? It is to me.

I walked over to Chen, who was on the ground in pain.

"The fact you thought threatening me would work is laughable."

"Is it though? I could deal with them for each time you deal with me."

I sighed. The sides of my head seemed to hurt all the more.

"I should've done this a long time ago," I groaned mentally while grabbing Chen by the back of his collar and pulling him outside.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing with that student?!" It was the new homeroom teacher. I wasn't interested in her, so I continued on my way. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

I could hear her footsteps behind mine as I dragged Chen towards the school entrance. I paid no mind. Her small stature made her easy to lose, and soon, I was on the city streets.

"*cough* Where are you taking me?" Chen asked. I turned back and saw his goons follow behind me from a distance. Wonderful.

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now