Like Catching a Shooting Star (A/N)

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Hey guys! Sorry this isn't an update, but I just really had to share something with you. I was planning to save this for way later, but screw it. I'll just tell you now.

Anyways, I've been planning this new fanfic for a really long time. When I say a long time, I mean since November. I've been writing outlines for every single chapter, character sketches, and more. The only problem is that I don't find myself writing the actual fanfic very often. So, to fix that problem, I've decided to just publish what I have. That usually gives me motivation to finish up the rest. But for now, let me fill you in on some of the details.

It's another Kpop fanfic, specifically a Seungri fanfic. It's a third person POV story centered around a completely fictional universe, despite it being set in the city of Seoul. Without further ado, here's the plot summary:

Nighttime is when the city of Seoul comes to life. The blasting music, the intense heat, the ice cold beers. These things are fantasies to common men. Only few are privileged enough to call this reality. Among these few is Lee Seunghyun. Bringing home a hot girl after a heated night at the club is nothing. With piles of money at his disposal, he gets everything he wants. None can resist his dashing looks and irresistible charisma. Pleasure and parties are the all he lives for. No rules. No questions. And absolutely no love.

Seunghyun has been living by his creed of flying through life without a care for years. That is, until a special performer at a nightclub catches his eye, and he finally meets his match. His handsome features and widely-respected reputation don't seem to impress this enigma at all. But with a little persuasion, they make a deal. In exchange for an audience to her shows, he'll get clues to her true identity. But what he finds will change him and his ways forever.

This fanfic involves themes of change as two worlds collide in an epic story of love and passion. As you read, you'll find yourself falling in love along with the characters themselves. Each character has their own unique personality that will make you laugh, cry, or just plain fangirl. I hope you love this fanfic as much as I love writing it. If you're excited for this new story, let me know in the comments. With the help of your input, I'll decide when to publish this fanfic and let the story unfold. If you guys show support for it, then maybe I'll release a snip-it of the story later. Until then, buh-bye!

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