I Thought I Loved You Then.

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Jared's POV:

I kiss Alice's shoulder and roll out of our bed. It's getting dinner time. She'll pull the whole not hungry thing and I'll have to make her eat.

I had to carry her in because she cried herself to sleep in the car. I've been fighting the urge to murder Leo. He's a new kind of asshole who doesn't deserve to live. It's one thing to cheat on a woman but to take her virginity without her permission? That's a new low.

I clench my teeth as I walk down the hall to the kitchen. I get all the stuff for hamburger helper out and start browning the meat.

I had a great date planned out. I wanted to take her to her favorite restaurant and then come home. I cleaned up the house after laying Alice down, but I had roses everywhere. They're moved to our room where she can see them as soon as she wakes up. Maybe they'll make her smile.

I drain the meat before adding water, the packet of seasoning, and the pack of noodles in the pan. I'm only suppose to stir occasionally so I busy myself with setting the portable table. She won't want to get out of bed.

I pull my phone out of my pocket as it vibrates. I look at the screen to see that Jason is calling me.

"Hey man." I answer.

"Hey Jared. How's my baby?" He asks. I know he's more than concerned. He's probably as pissed as I am.

"Sleeping. She'll be okay. I just think that she's upset about the whole mess." I grit my teeth hard. What kind of people do that to?

"I'm pretty upset about it too. My youngest child is pregnant with my oldest child's ex fiancé's baby. I don't even know how to react about the whole thing."

"How did the marriage go?" i ask curious. They threw a wedding together in no time.

"As good as it could've went I suppose. They planned the whole thing in less than a week."

"Wow. That's sad."

"Yeah. Tell Alice to call me when she wakes up though, okay? Yall be good." He says.

"I will." I smile. We're always good.

We hang up and I slip my phone in my pocket before turning back to the food.

I hope Alice will be okay. She's been through so much. I can't imagine how she must be feeling. I wish I had the money to take her on a vacation. Maybe just some time alone would do us some good. No parents to worry about, no jobs. Just relaxing.

"It smells good." I hear Alice say from behind me. I turn to see her in my shirt. She looks so beautiful.

"I hope your hungry. You dad called and asked you to call him." I smile at her. She rubs her face and flops down on a bar stool.

"I am very hungry." She sighs loudly. At least I don't have to force her to eat.

"It'll be done in a few minutes." I turn back to the food.

"I'm not upset that my sister married Leo. I hope you know that." She says confidently.

"Then why are you upset?" I raise an eyebrow and turn so I'm looking at her.

"I can't protect her now. I've failed as a big sister. He's gonna hurt her like he did me. He's gonna hurt those babies Jared and there's nothing I can do." I drop the spatula as she breaks down. I hold her in my arms and she sobs.

It makes sense. She's always wanted to watch over everyone and she's always been a mother to her brothers and sister. It's not fair that this is how they repay her.

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