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This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This story is unedited, please bare with my typo graphical errors, grammatical errors, wrong spellings and other errors.

Plagiarism is a crime!


The world has changed drastically. It's not the same as it was many years ago. Who's responsible for this? Humans. They've destroyed the earth with their reckless actions. Now that they've exploited the world, it's time for the earth to take its revenge.

Eight decades ago, an illegal science lab in West Erthomia exploded. Along with it, the invented species mixed with various experimental chemicals turned into something bizarre and created beasts, different kinds of monsters. They spread across various provinces, devouring humans and ruining properties. Even the cities that humans had built were demolished.

It took a long time for the attacks to subside and even longer for people to recover. They suffered from starvation and diseases caused by the monsters. Many people died, a few survived, and they created a devastated generation.

"Al, are you sure about the school you're going to attend? There are tons of schools to enroll in. The school you're choosing is not ordinary," my mom asked for the nth time. I understand her concern. She almost fainted when I suddenly decided to study at Alzacar Academy.

I smiled bitterly. The world hasn't been ordinary for a long time, Mom.

"Yes," was my short reply.

She sighed and caressed her forehead in distress. I wanted to apologize, but it would be pointless because this was my decision. This is what I wanted to do. It will benefit the town and save many lives.

She faced me with concern. "Look, Al. Once you get involved with that school, there's no turning back," she tried to convince me one last time.

I only nodded and looked away. Before my grandpa died, he asked me a favor. He said, 'Make your life meaningful. Don't follow my footsteps. I'll die without doing anything to save the world. Instead, I'll die because I'm sick, old, and contributed nothing but a burden to this family. Don't wait for a miracle to happen, Aleera. Make your own miracle.'

My mother had no choice but to agree. She was afraid of losing me, but I was determined in my decision. And there's no turning back. I'm going to train at Alzacar Academy.

I packed my stuff, my clothes, and everything else for tomorrow's departure. I heard my mother sobbing next door. My brother Joaquin was probably comforting her right now. She's afraid she might lose me, but I'll do everything to survive. I'll create a legacy for this town. And if I die, at least I protected them.

I already passed my entrance exam. But it wasn't a written test. It was more like a medical examination. They checked for any health problems or mental issues. So far, I didn't have any complications, so I passed. Many attempt to enter, but only a few are eligible.

The academy doesn't force people to join their institution. It's free, and you don't have to pay a single cent. All you have to do is excel and become a part of Alzacar's troopers. That's all I know about the academy because they are very private and strict. I don't know the names of the people there. The administrators don't want people meddling in their activities. They'll take care of the people's safety.

This is not the future I imagined. It was supposed to be innovative, but it feels like the world is surrounded by darkness and emptiness. Sure, there's advanced, well-programmed technology, but it's different from the future we all expected. My mom gave birth to me in a world surrounded by monsters and beasts. I grew up in this wrecked era.

As I waited in the living room, I noticed my mother's eyes. They were a bit swollen and red from crying last night. She looked like she was about to cry again. I sighed and turned my attention to my brother.

"Joaquin, take care of Mom," I reminded him.

He nodded in response, but I caught the sadness in his eyes. I couldn't resist, so I went over to them and hugged them wholeheartedly. I didn't want to cry because it would only make everything more dramatic.

"Ate, mag-ingat ka roon," Joaquin said.

I closed my eyes as I felt the warmth of their embrace. I needed this memory of holding them to hold on to while I'm going into battle.


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