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Daniel's P.O.V

I feel like I'm in the ninth cloud! The ability of being this close to Grace and having her between my arms is just so precious!

My dreamlike moment is shattered by the beginning of the Royal Buffet! It's dinner time!

Grace keeps holding my arm till we reach the long, lavishly beautified table covered in a variety of sumptuous meals to satisfy every single one of our guests. At each extremities there are two adorned Royal chairs for the two Royal couples: The King and The Queen, The Prince and the Lady.

Not him again...

My eyes fall on Leo taking a seat at the first chair after the Royal ones... probably wishing to be beside Grace!

But unfortunate for you Leo! You'll never succeed in your evil plans!

I pull the chair farther from this bastard and politely ask my gorgeous Lady to be seated here while I sit on the chair closest to my 'friend'.

No wonder why Valeria turned out to be like this! Such mannerism is in their blood!

Grace's P.O.V

Oh Universe... Are those... cutleries? I don't really know how to use them...

What do I do?! I should ask Prince Daniel for help! But I keep disturbing him so much...

"What happened Grace? Is everything alright...?" The Prince whispers to me..

Since he asked.. let me just reveal my problem.

"I have never used such cutleries in my life... And I don't know how to!" I murmur back.

"Ahh that's easy! Just do as I do!"

He slowly lifts one utensil in his left hand and another in right one, and then steadily but secretly demonstrates how to eat with them.

"Your Ladyship! You don't seem to be enjoying your meal! If you need anything do not hesitate to inform me! I shall pass you whatever you'd like from across the table!" Prince Daniel's brown haired, dark eyed friend startles me...

"Oh don't worry Leo! We have maids to do such things!" The Prince replies..

Prince Daniel seems a bit harsh around his friend... I suppose that's how they talk.

While enjoying the meal, I take a while to look at the amount of people dressed in posh wearing supported by costly accessories present in this dining hall.

I now pay attention to the quantity of majestic stringed instruments that are being played by professionals while we are all eating at these Royal tables.

This chamber is so elegantly decorated and there are so many torches and candles lighting the hall! Oh Universe! I throw a gaze at the upper area in front of me... I've only heard of those! It seems like the candles are floating near the polished ceiling! I don't even know what these things are called!

After this ravishing meal, the Prince leads me to a... THRONE?

I'd seen His Majesty's and the Queen's thrones in front of a wall a while ago, but I never reckoned there would be one for me!

This is so unrealistically undeserving! I have a Crown, a Royal Gown, a Throne! But... loneliness.

We are still being showered in warm wishes and compliments!

Finally, the guests are beginning to depart.

"Your Ladyship! We require you to come with us for some very important tasks..." A maid tells me.


I'm brought to the same chamber I was dressed in a while ago...

"Grace, come. I shall explain to you what you'll need to do!"

"What I'll need to do...? Are there more rituals to come up Maisie?"

"Huhh... How can you forget! You got united this Sun Grace! Now the Sun has set... the Moon is rising.. your Union Moon!"

"My Union Moon..?"

"Yes dear! Your most significant Moon after the union! The Interlocking Moon!"

Ohh.... I have to... interlock with the Prince this moon... How did this slip from my mind!

"But I don't even know what am I supposed to do exactly!"

"That's what I shall explain you dear."

Daniel's P.O.V

"My Son! How is it going so far?" Here comes His Majesty..

"Everything's fine your Highness.."

"Great then! Be ready for the great Moon Son! You've grown up now! This is indeed a proud moment. I shall leave you now, I've got some friends to attend!" Father tells me...

The great Moon? What is Father talking about..

"Sir, the feast is about to come to an end. If you require anything, please let me know!"

"Hmm, Allencourt, what is His Majesty talking about? The great Moon? What does he mean?"

"Uhh... uhmm Sir... It uh.. is your first Moon sir... your uhmmm interlocking Moon...."

Oh crap! I totally forgot about that! I united with Grace and it's about to be the Union Moon...

According to the customs.. I shall.. Oh Universe!

Coming up:

Maisie explained me all the steps of interlocking while getting me ready for it... but it sounds really weird...

So all I have to do is to wait for the Prince and let him... let him... do whatever he wants with my body and let him... enter... Why does this sound so hard!!

I would love to spend time with Grace.. to have privacy with her.. but interlocking!? And without her will...

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