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My apologies for a long awaited update for those of you reading. I've been so busy lately and I haven't had the time to update. AND IM SORRY MY LOVELIES. I also apologize for any spelling errors for spell check has a mind of its own. ^that statement goes for the entire story. Spell check tends to help when it isn't wanted.


Gavin POV

Ray happened to be right. The PIN number for the credit card happened to be 1383. How did he know? Well that I can't explain.

Although he's blind, he's still Ray. The intelligent yet funny boy that he was before, only now he has a different take on his senses.

Given the circumstances with the number and the wings on our backs, we decided it wouldn't be best, as Ryan mentioned, to go to the city together.

So instead, I vowed to go. If I got caught, I'm pretty sure I would be able to get away. After all, I do have more agility when it comes to flying.

"Be safe. Promise me that?" Geoff said sympathetically as he handed the card over and I nodded.

"I know Geoff, I'm dumb but I'm not dumb enough to do something stupid."

"Are you sure about that?" Ryan's voice cut in causing a small smile to form on the edge of my mouth.

We had been sitting on the edge of the city. Not too close, not too far. Neither were we close to the bank anymore. Instead we found a closed off, abandoned camp ground to sit for a few.

"I'll be okay." I said patting Ryan on the shoulder although he most likely thought otherwise.

I took one last look at everyone to try and take in everyone clothes size and then I looked at everyone's faces.

"Be safe." Michael stuttered while everyone else wasn't paying attention.

I shrugged knowing those were his first words to me since he practically found out I had been lying the entire time. And I practical had lied to him the most.

I nodded,"No promises boi."

A saw him look down with a slight smile on his face before he made an over exaggerated sigh which only made me want to smile.

Yet I didn't because I knew how he felt.

"I don't know how I'm going to do this."

"Yeah Gavin." Said Ryan,"How are you going to do this? Walk in, pick up some clothes, and check out?"

I shook my head unsure of what people will think of me but I ignored it.

With a few more encouraging words, I started my journey to the city on foot. Not wanting to get caught.

For all I know there could be people everywhere looking for me. And I knew that, so I kept my distance from any cars that drove along the abandoned road that I walk on.

With each step bringing me closer and closer to reality, I could feel the tension. Not from nervousness but from everyone walking.

I could feel the pulse of their hearts and each step they took. It was rather amusing until I realized there were so many people here.


The place that, even as a lousy uneducated kid like myself, knew about. And that's exactly what I read as I walked right on into the city.

The buildings were astonishing. The scenery absolutely beautiful. There were casinos and lots. And lots. Of people.

Some stared at me but I didn't care. What were they to say about me when they wear tacky clothes anyway?

Broken WingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang