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I had a really long chapter and Wattpad decided to delete it and I'm literally Michael RageQuit Jones right now. God. Damn it.

Gavin POV

"I can't believe you." Geoff said Michael's way from across the room.

"What?" He replied smiling,"It's what I do."

"No Michael. That's not what you do. Do you want to get kicked out?"

I sat quietly fidgeting with my thumbs while Michael defended his case of this mornings events.

It's not my fault, those guys were just stingy pricks that wanted someone to take their anger out on a different person, and I let them.

I want to be accepted for who I am and if that means I have to take pain, I will. And that's why I told Michael to stop.

Why I didn't fight back. Clearly I could defend myself if I wanted to. But beating up a random stranger won't get me liked.

Let alone get those other guys liked either.

"I'm still astonished that you would do that." Ryan said throwing a bag of frozen vegetables Michael's way.

"Relax." Michael said with an ooof as the bag came in contact with his legs.

All six of us were back at Geoff's place going over today's events even though they were already settled.

"So you didn't get in trouble for picking a fight with that prick?" Ryan asked both Michael and I.

Michael shook his head, placing the bag over his eye,"No he let us off the hook. I told him that when I got there they were already getting cocky with Gavin."

"That's not like the principal to do that though."

"Yeah, I know." Said Michael.

He wasn't badly injured but a little help on the way to recovery wouldn't hurt.

I too wasn't badly hurt, yeah I did have some bruises. But I know I'll heal faster than any of these guys around me especially Michael.

I don't need the assistance, give me a couple hours and I'll be good as new.

"I still can't believe you did that." Both Jack and Ryan said hike Geoff sighed rubbing his forehead like he was Michael's dad.

"Michael." He whispered,"Don't do that again."

"Why?" Michael chuckled.

"Because." Geoff looked away before finishing and everyone knew not to mess with him.

I looked over from where I was sitting, a corner directly diagonal from Ray, only to see him slouching in a corner on the floor, his back against the wall.

Without word I got up while the rest of the guys chatted, and walked over to where Ray was.

"Ray..." I mumbled and he didn't answer.

"Ray what's wrong.."

"Nothing." He replied moving his face away from me.

"It's something." I said taking a seat next to him in the small corner even though he didn't answer.

"Ray, look at me." I said softly not trying to scare him and he did as told.

"What's wrong." I asked.

His face was wet obviously with small tears and his glasses fogged.

"Ray." I said taking him in for a hug,"I didn't mean to scare you today."

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