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Warning- Long chapter?

Gavin POV

If you have friends, it's hard to keep them. And in order to keep them, you may have to make sacrifices even if that means lying once in a while.

And that's what I had to do. I had to tell Michael I didn't know what was going on, when I really did know.

The white coats were after me, well us. Originally if someone or something runs away, your instinct is to get them back no matter what.

And from what I can tell, the lab wasn't happy with me leaving.

Which is why they want to get me back. And if that means they have to kill me in order to keep their project going, I'm sure they will honorably do that.

And I'm not ready to die. Neither do I want the other five guys like me to die either.

But I didn't want them to be mad at me for telling them to leave too. So I lied to them.

Back at Geoff's apartment, people from the lab had come to get me.

I don't know how they found me but I didn't want any of the others to get hurt. So I yelled at them.

And I even punched Michael because he was being stubborn.

And after they were gone, I took care of the white coats. Some of the people from the organization had come to get me but they didn't come alone.

This time they had come with creatures like before. But they were more human.

Only to find out they could change and morph into Grimm creatures. But they were weak. Not like before.

And they didn't look the same either. Like they had been changed. Genetically changed. Morphed perhaps.

They looked like Dan. Not Dan the man. The other Dan.

The one who tried to initially kill me first but failed.

They were like him only weaker. They took on human appearances but possessed unhuman abilities. But they were no match for me to be true.

Occasionally they were able to lay a few hits on me but nonetheless they were all down for the count within minutes.

And by then I wasn't able to find the guys through the rain. I tried, I honestly did. And the whole time I felt back to hurting Michael.

And now the Grimm were following me again, they were following us. They want to get rid of me, exterminate us.

And I can see why. If you spent years upon years working on a project, you wouldn't want it ruined would you? Especially not by something created from that project.

And with the guys not knowing how to fly, and Geoff being hurt. All we can do is run and hide.

"Can we slow down...." Michael asked huffing and puffing while stepping over a large rock.

"Of course." I huffed too trying to catch my breath.

"Good because we were going to stop anyway." He replied sitting down on the same rock in which he stepped over.

I sighed and silence took over the group. All that could be heard was the panting of 5 guys, surrounded by the chirping of birds and the occasional rustle of green leaves.

"How long have we been running?" Ray asked hunched over, wiping his forehead off.

"Probably an hour..." Jack said squinting his eyes to protect himself from the sun.

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