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GUISE I MISSED WRITING SO MUCH. I'm not sure about those of you who know how I write but I prefer using my phone hence I type faster. Well I've been meaning to get a new phone and I finally have it!! IM SORRY FOR THE WAIT. Again ignore any typos.


Gavin POV

Ray stopped and paused the game once more, the screen going frail and dim with various options. I stopped in my tracks too. Both surprised and scared by what had just come out of my mouth, I frantically looked at his face.

And then he did the unexpected. He simply shrugged it off.

"Okay what do you want me to do about it?"

And then he immediately went back to the game happening in front of him, his head forward at the game yet his pale eyes looking the other direction while his hands mashed at the controller.

"Uh.. I.."

I am in shock. I like Michael yes. He is my best friend. But. Like like is practically love.


Something I have no experience with. Something that I've heard about while at the lab yet something I never thought I would ever feel in my life.

But toward Michael?

If I recall correctly isn't it supposed to be a male and female.

Supposed to be. Just like I'm supposed to be human. But I guess that's not true either. The rules can be bent here and there right?

"I.. I don't know." I said moving so that I was in front of a small red couch with black trim.

"I didn't know you rolled that way but I guess I'm okay with it." The hair on his head moved a tad bit which signaled he was smiling. "And it's obvious he feels the same."

I felt my ears twitch once my body came in contact with the couch as well as when Ray spoke those words. And then I felt warm inside again. The same feeling I had when Michael and I were hugging. The same feeling when I was upset and he was upset. The same feeling when he had stormed off when I hadn't told him about myself.

And now that I recall everything. It's also the feeling I had when I first went to Geoff's apartment. The feeling I had when Michael accidentally... Yeah...

That's what I had felt before. Only now it's more clear.

I hadn't told him about the reason why Michael and I had similar wings. Yes Michael knew we all had wings because we drank together, but it was that... moment... between me and Michael that some how gave us similar genetics.

"How do you know." I rather said more than asked. "How do you know." I repeated.

"It's obvious. The way he yells at you. It's a cover up for how he really feels."

"The yelling?"

He nodded without turning to face me. "All the times he has cursed at you or hit you or anything. It's all because he's hiding how he feels."

I wouldn't really say he's hiding it. He's just hiding it from all of the guys. Around me when we are alone, he's the sweetest person I've ever met. Even though I've met very few people, he's still the nicest.

He's sincere when I'm upset. Just like when I was explaining how I didn't want to hurt anyone in this community. He didn't want to leave and he didn't want me to leave.

"Are you sure?" I played with my thumbs.

My wings were scrunched up tighter than usual due to all the warmth in my body. Due to everything going on around me and the fact that I was experiencing something new.

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