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Michael POV

I woke the next morning- well no. It wasn't morning yet. The sun wasn't up.

"What time is it?" I groaned stretching my arms until in realization I stopped in my tracks,"Uh Gav?"

Gavin lay next to me on a flat plate of solid rock with his arms, legs, and wings sprawled out in various direction. Not to mention he was half naked.

"Come on Gav. We fell asleep." I shook him but he only moaned and rolled from me.


At that moment everything stopped and a blood curling, murder scream pierced the area we were at. Only it wasn't around Gavin and I. It was off in the distance.

Toward the camp we have set up.

The scream continued, one pitch. A raspy pitch that I could identify anyway.


Immediately Gavin shot up from his slumber and scrambled to his feet half asleep with droopy eyes and fringed hair.

And then the scream stopped. Our surroundings fell silent. And not even a bird was chirping.

"Did you hear that too Gavin?" I whispered not wanting to alarm anyone or anything that was out there.

He nodded and made a "mm hmm" sound with clenched fists as if he were going to fight someone and bounce off his feet.

Last night's events lead to Gavin and I talking and walking while exploring. Gavin was interested in the animals here and so, on my shoulders, he tried to come in contact with one. But he failed and laughed anyway.

Of course our fun shenanigans ended once we both solemnly passed out on this sheet of rock.

And now with screams coming out from God knows where, we are both wide awake.

Without a word Gavin did as I predicted and sprinted away from me in the direction of where the noise came from.

He left a trail of dust as he went, his feet picked up one by one until he was gone and I was alone in the dark.

I groaned as my adrenaline kicked in forcing me after Gavin and after that sound too.

It has to be Ray. That's the only person I know that sounds like that and we're here by ourselves.

"Should have never left them alone." I said to myself while trailing behind Gavin.

No I wasn't as fast as Gavin but I wasn't going to let him take off. For all I know one of the guys could be hurt.

"Ray!" I yelled out,"Hold on I'm coming!"

The forest around me was quiet along with silence from the distance. I had lost Gavin.

"Gavin where are you!" I yelled, cupping my hands around my mouth to extend my voice.

"It's okay Michael. Everything's going to be okay. Ray is okay. You're okay." I said out loud.

I took a deep breath and began running again toward the direction I thought Gavin had gone.


And then there was the break of a twig followed by rustling. But hell, it's too dark to see anything.


"Michael." Gavin jumped out in front of me while taking my hand,"Come on. Be silent."

I nodded and didn't say a word as Gavin pulled me along with him, only this time not running. We were walking.

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