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Soooo I haven't been able to update because of school and studies and I also feel like the story is falling apart bc no one bothered to read the last chapter. SO I decided to end the story a different way. Ignore. T y p o s


Gavin POV

And that was that. That was the last decent conversation that was also sentimental, that I had with the boys. Of course, minus Michael. That was the last conversation that I can say had meaning.

We regrouped. We gained our strength again and we were healthier than ever. However in Michael's case, it had been weeks since we saw him. We overextended our rest a bit too long and Michael most likely thought we forgot about him.

He probably though he was a goner.

But that wasn't the case. If the government wouldn't help us and we had no place to go until we got Michael, we went to the Internet.

We started a YouTube channel and surprisingly it grew big quite fast. Everyone supported us however no one knew where we were therefore we were technically safe.

With the support of the large mass of people on the Internet, they encouraged us to stand up for what happened to us.

We needed to confess and more importantly get Michael back.

So we believed them, they believed us. What could go wrong? Right? We figured they wouldn't take Michael out of the United States since the country probably wanted to keep him to themselves. And the only unoccupied place in the United States? Area 51.

We traveled to Area 51 and- by night - we caught our first glimpse of Michael. He was alive but not doing so well.

When we had our chance, we snuck in and without hurting anyone or causing a scene we got him out of there.

But that's when everything fell downhill. They noticed he was missing and they signaled an alarm, all of the military reinforcements came at us once they found us.

The last thing I could remember was saying I loved everyone, the look of terror in Michael's eyes and feelings of grief that struck me automatically.

But I did what I had to do to make sure everyone else lived.


Michael POV

"He was a great man, an inspiration, and over all one of my best friends." Ray spoke up next to me, grasping onto the podium, looking out blindly at the crowd in front of us.

We were dressed in black. All of us. To the side of us, the thing that hurt me the most. Not the physical embodiment of it, but the meaning that came with it.

I breathed in when I knew it was my turn to talk and slowly but surely I took a step over, switching places with Ray.

I swallowed and cleared my throat looking for words. Anything that I could say to those in front of me and behind me.

"You know. Gavin didn't have a family. He sort of just, showed up. And it was strange. In fact, he was strange. I remember the first day I saw him at school, he was by far not normal." I paused to look at the people.

The mass of people that were family of mine, Ray's, everyone's. As well as the government authorities in the back, and in the middle a crowd of people who supported us.

Gavin died.

To save us. To save me. To get us out of there and then after it all, the government realized what was happening. The entire world knew our story because of our internet supporters and that's what brought us safety.

But it was safety without Gavin.

"Gavin risked his life multiple times to save me and well to save everyone here. Of course people did parish, one being him, but we can't think of it that way." My head fell and I looked at my palms. "He was as Ray said, a best friend, but to me he was more than that. We gave him family that he didn't have and he never stopped fighting. He strongly believed in something and he never gave up. And I think that's what makes this the hardest."

By then my voice was being to become thick and I knew I had to stop any minute.

Only I couldn't. I was angry. I was sad. And upset. And an emotional wreck. Gavin could still be alive if it weren't for the United States but he wasn't. He was gone.

He was never coming back and he was dead.

I looked up at everyone,"And I don't know where to go from here. But I do know that I want to thank you. Everyone in the crowd for listening to us and understanding and I want to thank Gavin and everyone behind me. All of these people."

A stray tear rolled down my cheek and I could feel it leap from my face and hit my hand only to roll off of it.

"Now we can move on and be happy. But it hurts knowing that Gavin never got to be happy."

"That isn't true." Geoff said taking a step closer to me.

"Gavin was in fact very happy because he knew that we were his family. He knew we cared and that's all he ever wanted. I just wish he were still here with us, and able to see all the supporters we have gotten."

Everyone else said their speeches about Gavin and while they did I turned and looked down at the brown glossy casket that was covered in flowers and gifts from people that we didn't even know.

It made me even more emotional because these people really did support us and accept us and that's all we ever wanted.

I placed my palm on the wood and a faint smile formed on my face and I exhaled strongly.

"I'm gonna miss you Gav."

But I know everyone is gonna miss him. The speeches were finally finished and that was that. Everyone lined up and passed in front of the casket in respect, some stopping to place gifts and once on the other side of it, to speak to us personally.

Everyone else did the talking while I stepped aside and went for a small walk by myself.

It was tough. I had never lost someone before and this was the most pain I've ever felt in my life. The doctors at the hospital had asked me to rate my pain on a scale of 1-10 and I said it was a 9. Of course that was when I didn't know what would happen.

But the pain I feel now is without a doubt, the 10.

There was one less person in our flock and in our family and I think what hurts the most is knowing I let him go. Knowing that if I would have held onto him back at 51, he could still be alive.

Or we could have died together because I don't want to be in a world without him.

I sat down on a rock after having walked quite a distance and looked at the water in front of me, a stream that ran through the park. Gavin would be getting a statue made here to commemorate him.

And I can't wait to come back in a couple of years and be like,"That's my best friend."

We may be broken for now, but that's okay. Wings always heal. I'll see him again one day right?

"Hey buddy." I said talking to no one as if it were Gavin. "You be safe okay? Just know that the world is different without you and that I'll always love you, and so will everyone else.

You just wait. I'll be with you one day."

And then I stood, turned, and walked back.

Back into the real world. 

And that, that was that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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