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SO I PUBLISHED CHAPTER 33 A WHILE BACK AND ITS SAYING I DIDNT PUBLISH IT BUT PEOPLE ARE VOTING FOR IT WOT IS THIS. oh well. Idk if anyone is gonna get this chapter bc wattpad is being stupid

Gavin POV

I just didn't want to lose anyone again. And with Michael going into the hands of humans I was extremely nervous.

But everything was okay.

Michael's surgery was a success so I was told as Geoff came running down the hallway nearly leaping into my arms. I awkwardly held onto him even though my arms couldn't wrap around his wings.

"They said Michael's surgery just finished." He smiled hopping out of my arms to walk beside me. I had been pacing the hospital all night.

"Really?" I perked up. "That's great! When can we see him?"

Geoff shrugged.

"They still have him back with the doctors they are discussing some things. We don't know when he will be out yet but he will be soon." I nodded.

"You should come back to his room." He said. "Everyone has been waiting for you even though Michael isn't back yet. You must be tired. You've been in the halls for a while."

"I'm good Geoff really." My mouth spoke even though I was tired. "I slept earlier and woke up in the night a bit nervous so-"

"So you resorted to walking around because you wanted your little Michael to be okay."

I wanted to deny Geoff's words but they were true. I wanted Michael to be okay despite his amount of injuries.

Geoff placed his hand on my shoulder and stopped us in the middle of the hall, rooms on both sides and nurses occasionally walking by giving us a strange stare.

"Gavin. Michael is okay. I promise."

I nodded finally giving in and becoming willing to go sit down. Maybe pace around the room with the boys watching.

"Bloody hell Geoff okay." I sighed. "But I'm gonna go get a drink or something." I pointed down the hall at a small metal water fountain anchored on the wall. Geoff smiled and turned away back to the hospital room and I went my own way, eyes set on water.

My eyes burned and I knew Geoff noticed the small bags underneath them. I was stressed and it had only been a few hours. I let out an over exaggerated sigh and as I approached the water fountain I realized how low it was.

I bent down and took a sip and to my surprise the water was fresh and super cold. It was nice. Without thought it put my head in it and it was the nicest thing that had happened all day.

When I was finished I continued to receive stares, a few from patients but it was whatever. I was getting used to the eyes always watching. But I was glad Dan wasn't watching anymore.

Quite frankly I didn't mind the pairs of eyes always there. It kinda made me feel special but inside I knew I was a freak. But hell, I liked my wings. It was normal to me.

I knocked on the glass window startling Ryan who sat on the other side and then opened the door with a smile.

"Jesus Gavin." Ryan said and shut the door in my face making me smile even more. I opened the door again and stepped inside. "That's my name."

"Who would have thought that we would be where we are now." Jack said leaning back in a green and blue cushioned chair.

Ray nodded.

It was silently momentarily and I knew everyone was thinking about their families even though I couldn't relate seeing as I didn't have a real family biologically speaking.

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