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Gavin POV

"It's nice to have you back." One of the people who worked at the labs said to me while they messed with something across the room,"And you brought some friends?"

"Leave them alone. They didn't do anything to deserve this."

But neither did I deserve or want this. I never wanted to be brought into this world like this.

"You don't understand-er Gavin is it?" The white coat turned to face me while he spoke.

I nodded and turned my head away from him, my eyes still flickering on his every movement.

"Relax Gavin." He put a hand on my shoulder to which I wanted to move off but I was unable to.

Judging by my surroundings, I'd say I'm back at the lab, back at the place where pure idiots decided to mess with human DNA.

And my friends are here. All five of them. Just not here, here. Somewhere in this facility. But the building seems different. But I don't know how.

"Like I was saying." He paused,"We aren't trying to hurt you. We just want to study you."

"Studying doesn't involve stuffing me in a damn cage and pricking me with needles every five minutes." My voice was mellow yet stern,"Nor does it mean putting me through inhumane tests."

I could imagine him telling himself that I wasn't human to begin with so what does it matter. And he's right. What does it matter if I'm not human at all. But my friends are human.

Just not right now.

"How do you expect we get results if you don't cooperate?"

"It's not like you ever let me leave to begin with." I shook from the chair at which I sit,"Maybe if you let me go for a walk once in a while I wouldn't mind a few tests here and there."

He eyed my wings.

"And not fly away." I finished.

"Well." He sighed and held a clipboard close to his chest,"On that note. I'll be back after I talk to the dean about where to go from here. And like I said." He paused to look at me once more,"Welcome back." And then he was gone leaving me alone.

"God damn it Gavin." I said to myself out loud. Words that I wish I could hear Michael say to me. Words that I don't know if I'll hear ever again.

"You failed." I told myself,"You should have kept them safe. This all your fault."

I let my head fall and dangle above my chest. It was my fault. Somehow, my friends were changed and somehow it has to do with me.

And I brought them into this mess.

Immediately I shot my head up toward the door to my left, the same door the tech went through.

It was different. It wasn't a regular door anymore. It was advanced. Almost like the technology I saw before I tried to save Michael.


I can't imagine what they're doing to him right now. And the others. But him. He's different to me.

Hell, if that bullet that I took for Michael knocked me out, it's a good thing. That means the other we're just asleep too.

But I needed to know for sure.

"Alright Gav. Come on." I tugged at the metal cuffs around my hands.

"What the hell is this?"

Shiny metal, but it wasn't cheap. Any regular hand cuffs could be broken but these aren't even bending let alone snapping.

"Uah!" I yelled sighing in realization that they couldn't be broken.

I wasn't worried about anyone hearing me. By the torture that these people put others through, they'd be stupid to not have spun proof walls.


I now focused on the heavy metallic bearings on my wings. One bearing, holding both wings.


And then something through the small window in the door caught my attention.

I looked back down at my hands and I was right.

These cuffs don't take a key, they take a command. A card.

There was a small slot on the cuffs that lead for an opening. It wasn't for a regular key. It was a tiny card. And I happen to be in luck.

In the hall just beyond that door lie a lab coat. But he is, as like every other person here, an idiot and happen to slack off. He's asleep.

This was an opportunity for me.

I thought for a moment before my nose suddenly needed to itch. Only I couldn't reach it.

"Oh boy..." I mumbled.

And then I sneezed, rocking myself forward until myself and the chair collapsed to the ground, inches from the automatic door.


If anyone was behind this door, they surely would see me but I guess the stupid lackey of a lab tech in the next room was the only one.

But I landed in the perfect position to use the palms of my feet to push me forward.

And thank god for automatic doors because once I had come into range of the censor, the door opened giving me a heart attack.

The smells on the other side were so different. Different from outside, different form Austin and different from the room I was placed in.

And I don't like it.

I took note of my surroundings, a door to the right of the man and a door across from him, both automatic.

There was no time to plan anything though. If one of those techs were to come back for me, I'd be dead in an instant.

So I continued to scoot slowly toward the man, being careful not to wake him. I also was careful of the two doors and the sounds beyond them.

But it was silent due to the sound proof walls so I really needed to pick up the pace.

I will free my friends.

As I approached the man, scooting across the floor like a fish out of water, I used the wall to make myself sit normally.

"And they said I would be staying." I smirked watching the man sleep. Who knew my savior would be a sleeping white coat.

And to my luck he started to shuffle in his sleep most likely due to my presence.

"Hello." I said smiling at him,"Good afternoon sunshine. Just a tip. Don't fall asleep on the job. You never know when something will happen." I paused as his blue eyes stared at me half asleep.

"Goodnight." I said clear as day before knocking him in the head with my own.

I paused after doing so to wait for the pain but nothing rose.

"And there it is." I said squinting,"Ow."

I was already in pain and I just got here.

I can only imagine the pain my friends are going through.

I was able to slip my fingertips over the one of the cards sitting on the desk in front of him, presumably his, and quickly slide it into the cuffs around my hands.

Instant relief enveloped me while I rubbed my wrists, followed by my feet.

"Alright. Where are you Michael."

It was either the door next to me or the one across. I don't care if I get caught, I don't care if I get punished or even killed, all I want are my friends.

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