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Michael POV

"What do you mean?" Geoff's voice filled my head once more for the tenth time now, his voice raspy.

"For the tenth time Geoff, I don't even know what I mean. It just feels like this is familiar."

Geoff looked around us and sighed followed by Ryan who sat in the corner of the room.

He was sat in a jail type cell, in fact all of us were. The room bland, and our faces even more.

"Can you explain what happened again?" Ryan mumbled unsure of what is going on around him.

"Ryan I-I don't exactly know. All I know is Gav and I were out and we came back and these guys. I mean-I don't even know if they were guys. I couldnt tell. And they just took us." I stopped to look at him in the eyes from across the room,"And they took Gavin too."

"Where is he?"

I shook my head and looked down at the white outfit that rest on my body,"I don't know. Last I saw him was when we both tried to take a bullet for each other."

"But you're alive aren't you?" Geoff asked from the opposing corner.

"Nows not the time to get smart." Jack replied.

"I wasn't trying to be smart Jack. I was trying to lighten the mood."

"You shouldn't make jokes right now-"

Both Jack and Geoff's voices began to rise and fill the mass of air in this room.

"Stop." Ryan blurted out, breaking the conflict,"Jack is right. Now isn't the time. But Geoff wasn't trying to cause an uproar. So both of you." He looked at the two boys,"Stop."

I nodded and felt a smile form on the edge of my lips. No matter what, these guys will still argue an get over it together.

My eyes lay back on my outfit from within my cramped cage, this wasn't a jail right? The outfits were white, all five of us wore them.

The didn't have anything else on them, except for white. White shirt, white pants and that was it. And it doesn't help that this cage was made of metal.

"Do you think Gavin is okay?" Ryan's voice said and my head jerked up at the name. Gavin.

I wanted to reply but I kept quiet and turned my back from the group to face the wall which the back of my cage rested on.

"We can only hope."

At that moment, the door leading to this room in which we stay, opened. And in walked a person carrying Ray in his cage.

Ray stayed silent with his arms around himself with blood shot eyes. They've been doing this. One at a time. Each of us leave and one at a time we each come back.

No one knows why but that's how it works. And it's been like that.

Ray being taken back to his side of the room, Jack was taken out again.

Once the door closed again, I could tell Geoff and Ryan were pressed against their small dwellings in search of answers.

"Did they say anything!"

"What happened Ray! Are you okay!"

Ray didn't answer and I didn't bother to ask if he was indeed okay. It didn't matter because none of us were okay. Not even myself.

I looked down at my hand and lifted the white, long sleeve shirt that covered my arm.

The sight of my own arm made me want to cry. Swollen and bruised, my left arm has already experienced enough. I don't know what they've been doing but I assume they've been poking my arm.

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