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Michael POV

"..Go away.." I heard someone mumble behind me,"X-Ray..." They mumbled again.

"Stop tickling me...."

Last nights events weren't what I had expected at all. After the Gavin incident I wasn't able to be myself. I felt different.

"Shut up Gavin. Go back to sleep."

"I'm not Gavin, Michael. Now go back to sleep."

"Was I talking to you?"

Alright now I was confused as to who was saying what. My ears were muffled and I didn't want to turn to listen.

I was cozy under a soft blanket, by chance I have no idea who gave to me, and I don't want to move a single muscle.

"Geoff..." I mumbled through the dark, looking at the clock across the room that read 4:37.

"I said stop tickling." Another raspy voice said some where in the room.

Everyone pretty much passed out in Geoff's living room so I was on the floor with my back toward the group.

"Geoff you prick. Wake up." I said throwing my pillow behind me, my head now on the bare carpet.

I obviously missed, the pillow making a 'thunk' noise as it bounced off what I believe is the TV.

"God damn it Geoff." I mumbled now realizing I have to turn in order to see what everyone was complaining about.

"I said stop it Jack." Obviously Ryan now grunted.

"What the hell are-"

I was caught out of my thoughts when my now adjusted eyes, fell about floating pigments in the air.

"Geoff is you're Xbox on." I asked loud enough for everyone to wake up.

No one answered yet there was a stirring of movement causing me to sit up.

I reached out and to my disbelief I was able to grab one of the not so tiny particles.

It was white, and soft.

"Geoff did you give me a feathered pillow? And did it break when it hit the TV?"

"Probably." He mumbled his voice trailing off.

"Feather." I heard a British voice say causing me to look over even though I couldn't see anything in the dark.

"Stop tickling me god damn it." Ryan blurted out.

"Alright you pricks. Which one of you is using feathers against Ryan."

"How do we know you aren't the one doing it?" Ray asked sleepily, his voice thick.

"What the fuck Ray? Why would I mess with Ryan at 4 am? It's 4. Am. I should be asleep."

".. That's what they all say.."

"God damn it." I said standing up over the mass of people below me.

Carefully stepping over bodies I headed toward the light switch by which I memorized being right next to the front door.

I was about to flip the switch when a loud bang came from the door followed by a series of knocks.

Loud knocks, at 4 am.

4 in the morning.

"What the fuck are you guys doing." Geoff said, his voice now louder as he's now more awake.

"I don't know?"

"Michael why are you banging on the door." A british voice said in front of me.

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