Michael POV


I looked up from my desk on which I should have had my text book open only to see Ray shuffling in front of me.

"Ray what the fuck are you doing?" I laughed at the 16 year old Puerto Rican.

"Oh you know." He said through a muffled voice.

"No we don't know." The oldest of the group said behind me.

I looked back at him and he was also looking at Ray.

"But seriously dude, what are you doing."

"Ms what's-her-face said we have a new student. And I want to see her."

"Which explains why you should bring your glasses on a regular occasion."

Normally the kid wears his glasses but not today. He said he forgot them when I got on the bus this morning.

And to be honest he is kinda blind without them.

"So it's a her?" Geoff asked causing me to lighten up.

Today we had a geography exam and not one person in this glass was enjoying themselves.

Thus why should I enjoy myself?

Because there's a new student.

"Welcome, welcome." Ms. what's-her-face said.

No one seemed to know her name so everyone got used to calling her Ms. what's-her-face.

She began shuffling over to the entry way of the classroom but I couldn't see the student over Jack's big head.

"Jack! Move your head!"

He laughed through a gritted smile,"No! I can't see either!"

I reached out to the desk in front of me and pushed the slight red head until he gave in.

"I wasn't aware of getting a new student today. Let me just add your name to the roster." She picked up the clipboard from her desk and walked back over the door in which I still couldn't see who was in it.

"Don't be afraid. Come on come in!" She said ecstatically with a smile on her face.

She waved for the kid to come into the middle of the room and introduce them self.

Turns out it was a dude.

Ray got my hopes up for nothing.

"Way to go Ray." Ryan whispered to Ray in which Ray replied,"R&R connection."

The class was chatting and then it fell silent as we all stared at the student.

But hey I know it's hard to be the new kid. Everyone stares at you like your some freak, right?

I slouched slightly in my seat.

"Go ahead. Start with your name. And... Um. Tell us something about yourself."

"Okay." He said now clearly stating he had an accent and that he wasn't from Austin.

"I'm Gavin." The student now clearly stated being Gavin.

"What a name." Geoff said causing me to kick behind me into the leg of his desk.

"Yeah because Lazer is such an amazing middle name."

My attention was away from Geoff when I noticed Gavin was wearing a jacket similar to the one I have at home.

"What's your last name dear?" The teacher asked Gavin and he fell silent.

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