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Gavin POV

"There." Dan said stepping back to look at me fully. "You're all set."

He had just finished applying the wing extensions to make me seem normal as well as the new clothes I now have.

With blue jeans and a t-shirt, I looked normal. But I had anklets, voice recorders, and whatever else the scientists liked me to carry.

He handed me a jacket but it wasn't clean, it had dirt spots everywhere. The hood had a few holes and you could see smaller ones on its sides.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"It's so you have a reason for leaving everyone like you did before, a reason for why you left." I put the jacket on and tied the strings of the hood together, leaving it unzipped. "Your story is you went to come turn yourself in but while flying you were shot." He pointed at my side.

Which explained the hole.

"By a hunter, thinking you were a large bird in the sky. The story should work because everyone will be glad to see you again and won't be focused on the story as much."

I stood up to my feet and walked out into the hallway following Dan.

"And how am I supposed to...exterminate...everyone?"

"That is up to you Gavin. We can give you what we have ranging from weapons to pills but on your own you need to think of the possibilities that are reasonable. Things that are believable."

I nodded but inside I was crying for help. How was I going to murder my best friends? How was I going to simply shove them off a cliff or poison them or... I stopped myself because I didn't want to think about it.

Yet how was I going to plan out each murder of my friends and then go on with my life?

I stopped myself again. Each time pausing my feet as I walked, only to pick it back up again.

Dan turned to face me again, my hands in the jacket pockets, he handed me a bottle.

"There are pills inside of it, if it comes to the worst, give them to each hybrid."

I took the bottle and stuffed it into my pocket while I swallowed hard.

He clapped his hands,"I think that does it." Together we walked to the main exit along with the other lab techs and some of the other hybrids as well. Even children followed me.

We reached the door and he put a hand on my shoulder. "You can do this Gavin. You're built to do what must be done. Don't let us down."

By my feet small children stood holding onto my jeans and I looked at them. A small girl and small boy, twins.

I wonder where their parents are. I mean. Their real parents. They had to be donated right?


With a few more words and a couple cheers from the crowd of men and women who worked here, I was off.

I didn't need a running start to get flying, instead I was able to easily hop into the air and go. Flying like this was something I could get used to.

But I wonder how everyone is. I wonder how they will react. How Michael will react. If Michael is even alive.

I shivered at the thought of him once more as I glided into a slip stream that would take me right to California.

I wonder if their parents have gone looking for them by now. I mean they have families and now they're fugitives for running away from not only home but from the lab too.

I bet their families are worried. Ray's too. Ray's mostly. I thought back to Ray crying about his family.

I pushed that thought to the back of my head, hoping it wouldn't submerge again.

I glided barely moving my titanium wings...

Maybe Dan was right and they will just accept me again. Maybe I don't have to kill them.

But there's always what he said about going to extreme measures and if I didn't... he never finished that sentence so I don't know what would happen.

I would probably be killed myself.

They would send out other hybrids to kill me.

I bet they were experimenting hard on those twins. I bet they're probably as strong as me. But he told me I was the best one they had. So I guess that isn't the case.

My eyes wandered down toward my feet and the ground below me. Underneath me was a lake and on its circumference, trees that were scattered everywhere.

It all reminded me of when everything was actually nice for once when we were in practically a secluded paradise.

I looked at my feet with dirty sneakers and except underneath the pants around my ankles, was an anklet.

It hasn't hit me until then that I was actually being tracked like Dan had said.

Before long I came to halt and stuck to the ground, stuffing my wings into the hoodie just to be safe. By now I'm sure the police are looking for the person who stole the kids away from Michael's parents, Ray's parents, and so on.

And that person would be me.

I had to be extra careful this time. I had the lab on my side. But I was on the bad side. I'm sure if anything were to happen with the real police, Dan would come get me right?

I shook my head. I shouldn't be doing this job for him.

On my wrist lay a high tech watch with almost everything one could think of. I pressed a few buttons, unsure of how to use it, and then up popped a map with a few dinging dots on it. "Guess those things are the guys?" I asked myself while I received many stares from people.

Many of them looking at the dark spots on my jacket and the various holes. Yeah the guys may believe the jacket but what will strangers think?

Walking at a slow pace, I didn't really want to find out what the dots were. If it were the guys, I didn't want to see them. I looked around. Can't I just go hide somewhere by myself and accept the consequences?

Instead, I carried myself closer and closer to the dots.

Eventually I found myself in front of a run down motel, with very few cars parked outside. It was four stories high, and it had one street lamp outside.

I walked inside and the front desk was empty, no one was in the lobby either. Continuing up, I avoided the elevator for safety measures... This place doesn't look like it would have the best electricity.

I nearly fell on myself as I reached the last step of the stairs, but I caught myself just in time.

Around me I could feel like there were people here, after all there were a few cars outside. So I guess it's not completely abandoned.

I knocked on the door closest to where the watch had lead me.

I didn't get an answer so I knocked again.

"Hello?" I asked as if expecting someone to let me into their room.

Some shuffling could be heard and then the door unlocked and opened slowly.

On the other side, a vaguely familiar Ryan appeared, sticking half of his face between the wall and door.

"Yea- Gavin?"

I slightly waved, feeling suddenly sick knowing I would have to end all of this. But I felt quite happy to see them again. To know they're okay, well most of them.

He opened the door fully and embraced me into a hug, behind him the others were scattered around the room.

Michael's body lay on the bed with multiple sheets around him and a bandage wrapped completely around his chest.

It's been weeks.

Months practically.

What's going on?

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