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Gavin POV

At first, I felt nothing. But then it all came at once. The stinging, the pressure, all of it.

"Make it stop!" I screamed waving my hands in the air before covering my ears.

The high pitched, ear piercing noise seemed to be blasting toward me from all directions and there was by far nothing I could do.

I closed my eyes tightly, my head in my hands.

And then it stopped.

I looked up and around me at the large open space before it disappeared and I was brought back into reality.

The cold metal all around me and the plastic beneath.

My eyes strayed from the metal hinges to the men in coats across the room.

It was just another one of their stupid, mingy tests.

They seemed to not have been affected by the high pitched noises, yet I was.

I watched as one of the men with slightly darker hair walked around a large metal table toward me.

He continued to walk across the fairly large room as I inched back farther and farther in the metal crate.

I didn't have time to react because he was already immediately in front of the crate.

"Specimen 10027..." He mumbled checking some things off a clipboard.

"It's Gavin." I said through gritted teeth.

"You don't have to make up silly names for yourself." The man said obviously not caring.

"Oh yeah? Then what's my name."

He laughed,"You don't have one. You were a mistake."

"Mistake number 10027. Man you guys should really stop messing up around here."

He shook the crate that I was crouched in before walking away mumbling,"That stupid accent of yours."

I smirked before inching forward to relax again, my arms crossed with pleasure.

I felt the weight on my back suddenly become lifted.

"Ah..." I said relieved.

That's the thing about me. I was a mistake. Number 10027 to be exact. I was just one of 10027. I was the last.

Of course I would be the last wouldn't I. But I had to admit I wasn't the worst mistake here.

The others were horrible looking. Almost fake, as if it were Halloween everyday for them.

Which made no sense seeing I've never been around for a holiday.

But really I wasn't as bad as the rest of them.

They all had jacked up faces, or were overly buff, or even were missing limbs.

But I wasn't.

I had wings.

I sighed think my wings, lefty and righty.

The thought of them made them twitch a bit before I tucked the pair tightly behind me.

Yet I was all alone in this small room. Completely white with technical lab stuff that I've never seen before.

Being alone sucks, I agree. But it wasn't like this forever. There were others like me, mistakes yet not horrible mistakes.

I felt my wings twitch once more until I decided to stretch my wings a bit. Yet they only moved a few inches before hitting the metal sides.

I don't have much space to do anything.

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