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Gavin POV

There eventually comes a time when, in your life, you go camping right? At least once? You, your friends, a campfire. The whole bugger.

But point and case, I'm not normal and my friends aren't normal.

So this isn't normal.

"I fucking hate you dude." Michael groaned directly across from me on the opposite side of the fire.

"Well I'm sorry my wings suck."

"Your wings don't suck you douche, you can fly. We can't. Therefore you're just an idiot."

A giggle escaped my mouth while I picked at the ground beneath me and looked away from Michael's gaze,"Maybe we can work on that tomorrow."

I saw Michael nod out the corner of my eye but yet again I was drawn to look at him.

Prompt to having a slight bath in the fresh water, we both ended up soaking wet. And prompt to wet clothes, they need to dry right?

My eyes fell upon Michael's wet t-shirt hanging next to mine on a small tree.

"I still fucking hate you." He replied noticing I was looking at the clothes.

"Yeah well this isn't so bad. Right?"

Michael looked down at his bare chest,"Yes because sitting around a fire, half naked, with a bunch of bird boys is normal."

"To be fair you agreed to be Gavin's friend." Ray interjected.

"I didn't know it came with a contract."

"Well it seems to me like anyone who becomes friends with him will automatically be in for a treat."

Laughter filled the gaping hole in the ground and a few exotic birds chirped from the trees.

And Ray is right about this place, it's nothing normal. Just like myself and this campfire thing.

The birds here look like they were made for something. They don't quite fit in.

"So Gavin." Ryan's voice broke me from my thoughts,"You never quite told us about yourself."

"Yes I have." I shifted my weight and placed a hand behind me to support myself.

Everyone was silent including Geoff who, in this case, I knew was going to be just fine. It was just a matter of his genes allowing his body to heal quickly.

"Hell." I sighed sitting up once more,"What would you like to know?"

The heat from Jack's man made fire made my bare chest warm although it wasn't cold outside. The fire was surrounded by rocks to protect the fire from spreading, which was Geoff's idea.

If he hadn't mentioned it, this place would probably in ruins right about now.

"That's the thing." Ryan replied,"I don't know what to ask."

"Then why the hell would you say you wanted to know about him?" Geoff said leaning toward the fire, the light showing his flushed face.

"Glad you're back Geoff." I said smiling,"Glad you're back."

He pointed toward my half naked body,"Reasons why I'm keeping my distance."

"It's not like he has cooties." Michael tunes in since he too was half naked.

I laughed,"What's a 'cootie'?"

Geoff's face was stunned by my words as he continued to point toward me,"Have you not had a childhood!"

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