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Gavin POV

"You may escort him to his 'room' now." And so they did. The men in white head-to-toe uniforms grabbing me by both arms as they dragged me through the halls.

My feet attached to the floor, picked up dust as they were dragged also, my knees bent and my head down and weak.

My whole body was weak in fact. I felt as if I didn't want to move not one muscle in my body. So I let them do what they wanted.

There was no point without the guys. And I'm already here. Already inside hell and there's no escape.

I don't know what the guys are doing. What they are up to and if they are okay. More importantly if Michael was alive.

I winced in pain. Not from the endless experiments already, but from the image of Michael crashing to the ground as seen on the television hours back.

Since then I have been tested in almost every way possible. I have had three surgical procedures including a kidney transplant.

They figured,"Hey if he is part avian, maybe it'll grow back just like how he can heal quickly." But I doubt that's how it will ever work.

Sore and weak, I stared at the ground as each white tile passed underneath me.

One of the men struggled with my weight and stopped to readjust his hands around my right shoulder, giving me time to look up.

Not fully, but enough to look to the side and over his shoulder at what was going on within the labs.

The experiments were different than before and actually better than those Grimm things.

They were the ones as seen on TV. The human with an animal trait. A faunas.

I watched as a small blonde boy with a monkey tail sitting upright, looking forward, was jabbed with a needle into his shoulder followed by one to the neck.

And afterwards he stood up and walked away like it was nothing.

I coughed.

Then we were on our way back down the halls past more children, adults, and pets. PETS.

Each one eyeing me before they carried on with what they were doing in the first place.

Once at the room they stuffed me inside and shut a series of doors before blue lights kicked in around them.

I stood still in the center of the room as all of the lights turned on, some flickering in the process.

There was no point in moving. No point in living.

If I'm a mistake why don't they just end me here and now. Just end what they created, do what they've wanted to all of this time.

I let myself fall into the floor.

My wings on my back spread apart and limp, my arms out.

I brought one of my hands to my side where they had removed a kidney. I felt empty there, and yanked my white shirt off of me. Off of my wings and onto the floor before sitting up.

The bandages and tape causing me irritation, I ripped them off my body too.

There wasn't much to do anymore. Just sit and wait for the next experiment. Wait for the next trial or wait for me to mess up with something, soon to be punished for.

I rubbed my head, my headache gone yet the pain still lingering.

"What now..."

I laid back down on the tile, the cold floor making my muscles relax and feel a lot better than one might think.

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