431 36 8

Michael POV

Fluffy, warm, and soft I felt as I opened my eyes to face the world. Instantaneously I began to recall the events of the previous day, arriving here. I guess that explains the nice bed.

Throwing the blankets off my body, I realized I was still in my clothes from last night. And it was cold.

With a huff of hair I pulled the comforter back over my body and laid in the big bed in silence.

I sat there for quite some time. Just staring at the ceiling. Admiring how the people outside the window were laughing and having a good time.

It's like they aren't afraid to be who they are. And they're all like me.

I heard a small thud below me in the rooms downstairs. Probably Geoff or Jack. They always seem to be up the earliest.

And then I heard it again right as someone called my name.

"Michael!" They shouted.

Obviously Geoff by now, I pulled myself to the edge of the bed and sat with my hands resting on its edges,"What?"

"Come down here."

I sighed and scratched my head as my eyes tried to adjust to the lighting natural lighting coming from the window. That's when I noticed the alarm clock next to me turned off.

I began plugging it in, making sure it was on, and then looked at the time. 11. Wow.

"Dang I slept that long?" I asked myself. It felt as if it were 7am. But I guess that's just because I'm tired from running away constantly.

My feet wobbled little by little and carried me over to the door and into the hallway. I passed by Ray's room with the door closed and I stared at it.

The plain door.

I shook my head, what the hell has gotten into me. Staring at doors. Staring at ceilings.

I held my side and peeked around the corner at the bottom of the stairs to see what was going on.

Jack and Ryan had been heavy into a game of monopoly with Ray by their sides. "Can we stop!" He groaned. "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I don't hate this game!" He huffed.

"Good morning sun shine." Ryan's voice blared into my head right before I began dozing off.

"Hah.. Funny. I'm not the sun."

"Yeah but you can be."

"Shut the fuck up." I said plainly, walking by the three and flicking Ryan in the head.

He responded by flicking me in the leg as I passed.

"Why have I been summoned here."

I sat down on a small stool next to the table top granite counter by the kitchen. But not too far as to where I couldn't see or hear the three.

"Because." Geoff said walking over from the stove and oven. "You don't need to sleep all day."

"What if I'm TIRED." I extended my words with a small whine.

"Too bad." He plopped down trays of food and fruit baskets given to us by the community. "Food?"

I shook my head no and turned to face the three by the monopoly board.

Ray lay on the floor with his head in his arms while the other two waited for him to complete his turn,"Come on Ray."

"No." He huffed and flipped the board over. All of the cards and fake money bills going everywhere. The small pieces of paper danced in the air and each one floated from the ceiling to the floor.

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