Gavin POV

"He was falling asleep while walking!" The boy known as Michael said ecstatic while looking at me.

He was talking to the group of people around us who I now knew were of the names Ray, Jack, Ryan, and Geoff.

"How is that possible? I can't even fall asleep in bed?" The guy named Geoff asked.

I was about to laugh until I felt my eyes begin to close slightly until I jerked myself awake again.

"See! He did it again!" Michael laughed.

"What are you guys scruffing about?" I chuckled trying to stay awake.

Ray then turned around from in front of me and stared at my eyes causing me to back my chair up a bit.

Only it was attached to the desk and I didn't go anywhere.

"I don't know what you guys are rambling about."

But it's true I'm tired. I don't need a lot of sleep to keep me up but I need some.

An hour would be okay.

But back at the lab I really didn't get much.

And then flying almost 200 mph over a period of time doesn't make it any better.

I had to admit. I was slightly tired.

"Uaaah." I groaned putting my face into my arms on the desk.

"Nice hoodie." Michael asked. I could clearly tell his voice apart from the rest. In a good way.

His voice was raspy but soothing and it, I don't know. It makes me feel good.

"I think he's tired." I believe Jack said but I wasn't looking so it could have been Ryan.

"We see that Jack. Thanks for the tip, he's not an animal."

At the word animal my head jerked up and I looked around until I realized I was safe.

But I really wasn't safe.

What if someone finds out about.. You know. The thing. Or thing(s) in this case.

I slouched down a bit in the chair as I wiggled the pair on my back.

It's really uncomfortable to scrunch them up like this but I didn't have a choice.

"Yeah and besides," Michael said,"he's new, give him a break."

"I doubt a teacher would give him a break if he went to sleep." Geoff said tapping his pen on the desk.

He tapped once.


Three times.

Each time I flinched a bit in my seat. I needed to get out of here.

"You okay Gav?" Michael asked me and I nodded.

"Uh yeah. Just. Just a bit tired that's all."

Michael nodded after making sure I was okay and then he turned to face the front of the room.

"Alright today class, we are going to go over the understandings of what it means to be independent."

The kids around me groaned.

The guy teaching at the front of the room waved his hands around,"Settle down. Settle down."

"Independent. It means freedom. Free from outside control."

I felt my face lighten up as the rest of the kids slouched in their chairs.

Broken WingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora