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Gavin POV

And then it all went down. The cops pointed guns at us, fugitives and freaks all in all. And Ryan did all the talking.

"How about, instead of us putting out hands up, you put your hand out and point us to the Capitol."

"Who are you?"

I smiled thinking about how much all of my friends have grown.

"We are misunderstood human beings that just want a say in the world. You don't have to fear us, it's not like we are gonna hurt you or anything." Ray spoke up.

"But we could." Ryan mumbled.

"But we won't." Ray replied. "We want medical attention before we give any answers. Give us what we want and we will help you. And you'll be glad to know some information that we have that you do not." And actually I was wrong. Ray did all the talking. It was like good cop bad cop. Ray the good, Ryan the bad, but neither of them cops.

One of the men lowered their gun followed by another. All around in the street were cars who had stopped to watch and pedestrians on the side of the road.

"Put your gun back up." One of them ordered,"They threatened to kill us. And you're just going to trust them with your life?"

"Actually we are very friendly." I spoke out,"Except for Ryan, he's a bit mad." I looked at Ryan. "We just want medical attention."

"There's a hospital for a reason."

We all laughed at the same time. "We wouldn't be admitted with these." I nodded at Geoff and he turned around to show his wings off.

Gasps could be heard from all around and it felt like we were trapped when really we weren't.

"And you're gonna want answers. And tests. And you're gonna be like them." I referred to them as the scientists at the lab in the past.

"And I am willing to give those to you-"

Michael kicked my leg a bit as if not wanting me to give myself away like that,"Under one condition." I paused. "Take us to the Capitol and let us speak to the highest official you can: the president."

"And medical attention." Jack said with his finger in the air.

"Or you know we could just run, or in this case, fly away and that's that. Let you clean up the town. And leave you guessing. It's your choice."

The crowds fell silent.

"Take them in, make sure you take them to the best ranking hospital. Provide them transportation."

I smiled.

"Make sure they receive the best attention and never leave them alone. Or y'know take them to the vets or something." The head muttered.

Geoff fluttered his left wing, telling him not to get cocky.

"Hospital." He mumbled.

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