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Michael POV

"How is geoff?" I asked curiously while stepping over Ray who had a couple flowers in his hands.

"He's doing just fine Michael." Said Jack who didn't even bother to look at Geoff."He's okay."

"You don't know that. He could be hurt. Severely hurt."

"To be fair." Ray interrupted below me,"We were just involved in a car accident and a large majority of people prompt to crashes tend to be injured."

Jack laughed admiring Ray's intellectual qualities.

"Whatcha got there?" I sat down next to Ray while he lay on his stomach.

"To be honest I'm not quite sure. The pigment present in these types of flowers-"

"Okay big boy. That's enough of that." I stood to my feet once more.

But Ray was right. The flowers, and even trees, are exotic. But we're in the middle of Texas. Not in the tropics.

It makes no sense at all.

"I hate to say this but where's Gavin?" I asked while walking in the direction of Ryan, my shoes squishing on top of the white sand.

Jack was too busy trying to make a shelter while Ray was busy admiring the flowers. No one wanted to answer my question and it's not normal to have no Gavin around.

"Hey Ryan... Uh.. Where's Gav? You know?"

"No Michael I don't know. Last I saw was when he dropped you off from the top." He replied.

"I just saw him though... Wonder where he could be."

I looked over toward Ryan who was busy shredding a piece of wood into the shape of a spear.

"Don't mind me asking but what are you doing?"

"What does it look like."

"Well I mean you are Ryan and you do tend to scare me sometimes."

Ryan laughed continuing to hack at the wood. Seems like these guys were already making themselves at home.

They were enjoying themselves, they were lost in this place. All except me.

Hell even Gavin seems to be enjoying himself where ever he is. Somewhere in this place. In fact where could he possibly have gone.

At that exact moment I happen to glance up at the top of this trench to reveal a few birds fluttering around.

"Gavin? Guys is that Gavin?"

"It might be." Ryan replied taking a step toward the water to get a better look.

"Gavin!" We both shouted simultaneously toward the top of the gaping hole.

He wasn't flying, no he wasn't. He was sitting at the top on a ledge watching them flutter.

At the sound of his name the dot in place of where his head should be began to look at our direction.

And then all in one swift movement, he lept off the edge with his hands by his sides and his wings spread apart, as he descended toward us.

Such a show off.

"Yes Micoo?" He asked while stepping foot onto the sand, kicking grains up toward my face little bit.

"Wow. I thought you knew how to land properly." I stepped back waving a hand in the air above my face.

I could hear Jack slightly chucking from afar but I was more focused on the winged boy in front of me.

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