04: Who is Weird?

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Proofreader : chefchez

Jingyu arrived at the boxing club on time

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Jingyu arrived at the boxing club on time. He went straight to the janitor's room. He works there three times a week as a cleaner. He loves martial arts, but has never had a chance to pursue them. So, working at this place has been an excellent opportunity for him - he could learn them while he was working.

"Jingyu, you're here? Good boy, you're not late."

"Oh, hey Fang. Yes, I'm not late. By the way, how did the competition go? Did you win?".

"Ugh... I lost. Let's not talk about it anymore. I'm still very sore about it."

"I'm sorry...".

"But I saw you yesterday. You were so cool. You finally confronted him. Did he hit you?"

"Not yesterday, but today he found me and hit me," answered Jingyu.

"Today? When?"

"After school, when I was about to come here."

"Did you hit him back?"

"Yes, I hit him back."

"Really???? You finally fought back!"

"Yes, I did. However, I'm feeling bad about it."

"Why? He's always looking for trouble with you. He finally got what he deserved."

"I know, but... He fainted."

"Seriously????? It's so cool!!!! I didn't think you had that much strength in you. It makes me wonder what would happen if you were my opponent?".

"Naaah... I could never possibly win."

"Hey, don't say that. I know Max, he's strong. Still, you managed to beat him, even made him faint. That's really cool."

"Um... It's just... Maybe I just got lucky... Who knows... Maybe he hadn't had his breakfast yet when that happened and didn't have enough strength to fight me back".

"What?? Hahaha.... yes, maybe he hadn't had his breakfast yet ... Hahahaha.... You're so funny bro."

"Btw, you must promise me."

''Promise what?!"

"You have to be my sparing mate."

"Ahh, okay. I promise you, someday I'll be your sparing mate. Sorry Fang, I have to go now and get some work done here".

"Oh yea, I forgot about that. Enjoy your work, bro."

"You too," Jingyu said, leaving to clean the boxing ring before people started arriving.


Peng left Zhou's house feeling happy. He didn't know why, but knowing that Zhou didn't even know Jingyu's name, really made him happy.

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