13 : Confusion

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Proofreader : @chefchez


Peng rushed into Jingyu's room and Weizhou chased after him. Peng was about to call Jingyu when Weizhou suddenly pulled his arm away.

"Peng, we have to talk," said Weizhou.

"About what?" he asked with a frown.

"Let's go somewhere else", Weizhou tried to grab Peng's hand.

"Just talk here, Zhou."

Weizhou looked confused. He was really shocked by Peng's confession for being gay and didn't know why he didn't like the idea of Peng liking Jingyu.

"Peng, are you sure about your sexual orientation? I mean.... maybe... maybe you just admire him, maybe you don't like him, maybe you just...".

Peng's face reddened. He really didn't like Weizhou's question.

"Zhou, I'm gay!!! I've never liked girls!! And I'm sure... I like Jingyu. So please, don't get in my way".

Peng pushed Weizhou's chest to pass him, but suddenly Jingyu appeared. Peng got so shocked, because he was afraid that Jingyu might have heard his conversation with Weizhou.

Jingyu smiled at Peng "Oh Peng...now you can lie down in my room. I will prepare dinner. Do you want to rest in the living room or do you want to sleep in my room while waiting for me to prepare dinner?".

Peng was relieved. Jingyu was very nice to him. He glanced at Weizhou and saw Weizhou bowing his head. It looked like Weizhou was going to have a bad dream tonight. Peng smirked then turned his face away and smiled at Jingyu.

"Jingyu, I'm going to sleep for a while. Can you wake me up when dinner is ready?"

"Okay," replied Jingyu. Then Peng left Jingyu and Weizhou.

Weizhou still kept his head lowered. He was confused, he didn't want Jingyu to be with Peng. Even if Jingyu was also gay, he couldn't let Peng have him. He himself didn't understand how or why he could even think like that.

Jingyu could see that Weizhou seemed to be bothered by something. He touched Weizhou's shoulder and pressed it lightly.

"Are you okay? Are you still feeling dizzy?", asked Jingyu.

Weizhou looked at Jingyu's hand on his shoulder. He liked it. He liked it when Jingyu touched him. Weizhou didn't understand at all the reason how could ssomething like that make him feel so happy.

"Hey...Weizhou... Are you okay?".

"Jingyu, are you gay?" Weizhou asked suddenly.

"What???!!!", Jingyu was shocked. Why would Weizhou ask him such a thing?

Weizhou could see the anger on Jingyu's face.

"Jingyu, I was just asking. Please, don't be angry. Please".

"Why did you ask me that? Do I look gay to you?'.

Weizhou panicked. He couldn't let Jingyu be angry with him. It would make Jingyu's impression of him even worse than it already was.

"No.... no... I mean, do you have a girlfriend?".

Jingyu was still frowning then he walked past Weizhou. Weizhou caught his hand.

"Please answer me, Jingyu. Please....".

Jingyu turned and looked at Weizhou, right in the eyes. Weizhou again felt panicked, to the point of sweating and shaking. He felt like his head had been hit by something hard. Jingyu raised his eyebrows, while still looking at Weizhou's eyes.

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