45 : Be Brave part 2

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Proofreader :  whalemeow0i


Jingyu lay on his bed half asleep due to the effects of the various medicines that entered his body. Suddenly his bedroom door opened and made him open his eyes wide.

"Hi Jingyu....".

A deep voice filled Jingyu's room. A man with a large bandage on his hand and several wounds on his face walked up to him.

"Oh hi Mr. Lee.... how are you??".

Mr. Lee put a basket full of fruit on the table next to Jingyu's bed.

"Not good, but not bad either. How about you?".

"I'm fine", Jingyu showed his fangs.

Mr. Lee pulled up a chair nearby and sat beside Jingyu's bed.

"Jingyu... I owe you my life".

Jingyu shrugged his shoulders and laughed softly. "Don't be too dramatic, Mr. Lee".

"Dramatic??? You almost died, Jingyu!!!". Mr. Lee raised his voice subconsciously, then massaged his forehead. "Sorry...".

Jingyu only smiled weakly.

"You know, I was so scared?? I didn't expect you to suddenly appear in front of my eyes. Yelling at those people really... If only I wasn't drunk at the time, maybe I could have hit them in the face harder! !! Damn it!!! I shouldn't have been drunk. Hufftt... sorry Jingyu... just tell me whatever you want and I'll grant it".

Mr. Lee massaged Jingyu's arm, but Jingyu remained silent.



"Jingyu!!!! Are you snoring while I'm talking with deep emotions here? Jingyu....".

Jingyu kept on snoring and left Mr. Lee staring at his sleeping face with wide eyes.


Weizhou sat on the sofa but his eyes never left the figure of Jingyu lying on the bed.

"Zhouzhou, I'm going home for a while. I have to cook for Jingyu grandmother. Can you help me take care of him?" asked Jingyu's mother as she gently rubbed Weizhou's shoulder.

"Of course, mom".

Weizhou smiled widely. Then Jingyu's mother stood up and walked away from him. Weizhou shifted his seat as Jingyu's mother disappeared behind the door. He sat on the chair that was next to Jingyu's bed. He looked left and right, then landed a warm kiss on Jingyu's forehead. Suddenly Jingyu's eyes opened slowly.

"Boo!!". Weizhou whispered softly to Jingyu's face, and Jingyu smiled widely.

"Are you trying to steal something from me?"

"What?! I'm keeping you here!!".

Jingyu chuckled and grabbed his lover's face with both hands.

"I mean kiss... you're trying to steal a kiss from me, right?".

Weizhou rolled his eyes "No!!!".

Weizhou hit Jingyu's hand lightly, but Jingyu winced in pain.


Weizhou pulled himself away from Jingyu.

"Don't lie!! I just hit you lightly!!".

Weizhou crossed his arms in front of his chest while pulling his eyebrows up. Just like an angry bird.

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