22 : Jealousy

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Proofreader : chefchez

Video Cover link : https://youtu.be/zI229Y7MIl8


Weizhou came out of the music room, but suddenly someone grabbed his shoulder. He turned around, having his angry face still on, preparing to hit the person who bothered him but he gave up when he saw the person who grabbed his shoulder.


"Calm down Zhou. What just happened inside? Were you threatening Alex?".

"Huh??", Weizhou was confused.

"You said earlier that Alex shouldn't be close to Jingyu??? Are you jealous?"

"Huh?", Weizhou was still confused.

"Am I jealous?", Weizhou repeates the question instead and now it was Ryan who was confused after hearing it.

"I don't know Ryan. Before he seemed to hate Alex, but earlier he shared his sandwich with him. And...Alex kissed him on the cheek. How could he have done that??!!! He's straight!!! He has a girlfriend!! How could he kiss Jingyu? How could he.......".

"Zhou... Zhou...", Ryan tried to calm Weizhou down. "Alex kisses everyone in class. That's why we find him annoying sometimes. Alex kissed you too when you brought him into our band, remember?".

Weizhou rolled his eyes as if he were trying to remember.

"Yeah...", he finally remembered.

"So...?" Ryan asked.

"But why.... why did I do it?".

"Because you're jealous. You like Jingyu, Zhou".

"Huh??? No... no way. I'm straight. I'm normal", Weizhou replied in a mumbling voice. Then Weizhou walked away leaving Ryan, but Ryan immediately caught his hand.

"Where are you going? It's time for us to practice. Pao will be late but he will definitely come. Let's prepare everything before he comes".

"Oh yeah", Weizhou turned around and walked towards the music room.


Weizhou knew for sure that he had those feelings. He liked Jingyu. But... to say out loud that he liked him? He just couldn't. He was not gay and not supposed to be gay. It would be a big problem for him, for his band and for his family but he couldn't help it. Jingyu is like a magnet. He pulled everyone closer to him, effortlessly. Weizhou has been trying to avoid Jingyu lately. He didn't even come to tutor Jingyu.

"Weizhou!!!!", Jingyu shouted his name and waved his hand but Weizhou turned and ran away from him.

"Eh... what's wrong with him?". Nowadays, Jingyu always tried to get close to Weizhou, but Weizhou kept avoiding him.

Today was the PE class. Everyone gathered on the basketball court, including Jingyu with his hand that had not healed yet. However, even with just one healthy hand, he could still shoot amazingly. Weizhou just sat on the bench watching Jingyu on the field. Unknowingly he smiled, instinctively, which was only natural as he was in love with him. In Weizhou's eyes, everything about Jingyu looked amazing.

Jingyu wanted to drink from the bottled, but he had a hard time opening it with one hand. Weizhou wanted to help him, but suddenly Ryan came to help Jingyu open his bottle. Then Pao teased Jingyu who was drinking water from his bottle with Ryan help and they laughed. Weizhou could see Jingyu's blushing face, and he couldn't hold it in anymore.

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