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Okay just in case some of you're wondering I unpublished this story for a few reasons.

1. I fell out of love with it. I didn't have the desire to write it. It wasn't going the way it was supposed to and everything was being rushed. It was more a chore to write if anything.

2. I felt really pressured with keeping up on the update schedule.

3. I'm currently rewriting. The reason for that is because I felt like the story sucked. I was writing chapters within an hour instead of taking my time.

4. I did it during a mental breakdown while I was stressed with real life problems. I was trying to write and I just couldn't. I figured unpublishing and just forgetting about my story ever being published would fix it. (Which it did not I got tons of messages asking where it went and if I was okay and I ignored them. Sorry.) thats also why my tiktok is gone. I deleted that as well during that time sadly.

I'm gonna solve all these problems by not publishing until I'm finished rewriting the chapters with the exception of this chapter. (Which was rewritten by me and edited by my gf.)

Im also dedicating this story to Kahlan and Ciana. :)

THIS STORY IS NOT IN THRID PERSPECTIVE! THE PROLOGUE IS THE ONLY CHAPTER THAT WILL! (Unless I have a different characters pov down the road which I doubt.)

Louis' heart stopped when his name rang throughout the hallway. The man calling for him spoke through the many intercoms scattered across the ceiling of the huge building. Everyone in this building knew why the boy was being called. As well as what reason.

Louis took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes. He hated the reasoning of his name being called. It only meant he would soon be doing a bad thing for a bad person. Sadly, there was no way out of it for him. He had to do this.

The man didn't say anything else through the speaker. Nothing about where Louis must go nor why. It was always like that, though. The man knew Louis would know where to go. The boy has gone through this same process over a thousand times.

Ever since Louis was a little boy. Fifteen, to be exact, was when Louis started being called and doing his so-called 'job'. The man thought he was finally good enough at that age. Louis knew though, that he would never be good enough. His heart would always ache after he did his dirty deed. He would feel guilty and depressed for weeks after but as soon as he wasn't locking himself in his room any longer the man would force him to do it again.

His father.

Eventually Louis had gotten used to the constant tasks. He stopped shutting himself away. He stopped getting sick at the sight of blood. He was twisted into the perfect little boy his father had always wanted. Louis had begun to please his father.

Louis isn't sure if he does anymore.

Louis began walking out of the apartment corridors. His heart was already aching from just the thought of what he was going to have to do. Despite the harsh training and emotion manipulation he had gone through, the part of him that was too much like his mother stuck with him. He could never get rid of the way his heart ached but instead make it bearable.

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