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Louis' pov:

The little milkshake place was oddly busy for such late hours. A variety of couples went in and out. Some even sat at the tables, just like me. Harry was at the counter with his hair in a bun, sunglasses on his face. I was slightly worried someone would recognize him from the news. It wasn't a far reach, especially since they still showed his face there. I had done a quick check on it during the drive here. It seemed like they were way more desperate to catch him again. But like before, Harry had reassured me that his little disguise would pull through.

"Don't worry Louis. No one's going to expect me in a milkshake shop so casually."

Even with his words my stomach was still twisted in knots.

That's when he walks back to our table with two milkshakes in hand. He sets mine in front of me before taking a seat. I take a slow sip, licking the whip cream from my lips. When I looked up, he was still staring at me, a small smile on his lips.

"I got the same thing as you. Even though I had judged your taste, cookies and cream did sound good after a while," Harry says while sitting back in his booth. His long legs softly brushed mine under the table, causing my heart to race. I found it annoying. The smallest touches shouldn't send my body into a frenzy.

"That's what I thought you got, but I didn't want to say anything," I answered, taking another sip. Even though my shake was delicious and I did want to suck it down quickly, I didn't want a brain freeze even more.

"What's your favorite color," Harry suddenly blurts. I blink at him, glancing down at the table. My hand wraps around my cup as I try to understand the sudden interest but I'm quick to shrug it off and answer.


Harry hums. I don't dare to look back at him. We sit in silence for several seconds before a new question bops into his mind.

"When's your birthday?"

"December 24th," I answered around my straw. Harry hums again, this time he sounds more surprised.

"That's pretty close. How old are you turning?"


There's no hum this time. Instead we sit in silence for several seconds.

"What's your favorite color," I asked, breaking the silence. Harry grins.

"Orange," he pauses. "or blue I guess." He shrugs, taking a sip from his shake. I nod, with a shy smile. I wanted to know the reasoning behind his favorite colors but it simply could be because he thought the colors were pretty and that was a boring question anyway.

"What about you? When's your birthday and how old are you turning?"

"February 1st and 24."

"Favorite food?"

"Tacos, maybe. I'm not sure. You?"

"I don't really have a favorite, but I love tea," I answered. Harry smiled and nodded, actually seeming very interested in our weird conversation. I'm not sure I've ever had a conversation like this where I just stated my favorite things, but for whatever reason I didn't mind.

"If you had a more typical life, what would you study," I asked when he didn't ask me a question. His head tilted as he thought about it.


I laughed out loud, biting my lip to control myself. I was sure he was joking but he looked serious.

"That's odd," I commented. Harry's left eyebrow rose, a small smirk splitting across his lips.

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