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Louis' pov:

When we arrived back to Helena it was like nothing ever happened. Guys went on like they usually did. The common room was clean. It was a surprising sight to see. I expected something totally different.

"I'm going to head to the library. Here's my number, text me when you're in your rooms," Nathan told me, handing me a piece of paper. I folded the sheet, shuffling it into my back pocket.

"Okay. I'm hoping it's not  that big of a deal," I muttered.

"It'll be okay. Like you said. You're the main character," Nathan teased, elbowing me gently. I laughed half heartedly, nodding.

"Yeah, okay. Put your expensive clothes away in your little hideout," I say, shoving Nathan towards the direction of the library. He gives me one last look before taking off. I breathe slowly, turning to the haunting hallway. The Shadows mocking me.

I walked there. The group of guys did not acknowledge me as I walked past them. I was really thankful for it. I was never in the mood for attention when I was about to face my father.

I wondered with all the years I have dealt with him how I haven't gotten used to him. How the thought and simple site of him still bothered me. How even though I knew it was nothing I would ever get, I craved his love.

I pushed past the shadows, the darkness closing over me like a curtain. It reminded me of hours ago, my heart automatically picking up.

The hallway was always short, but it will always feel long for me. The seconds slowing to minutes. I wasn't sure of the reason. It must have been because of the atmosphere, it couldn't be anything else. There was no science behind my own feelings of fear.

I knocked on the metal door. The thuds were oddly quiet, the darkness sucking in the noise. I'm sure it echoed around my fathers office.

The door opened within seconds. My father appeared in his usual attire. I wondered if he just went to the shops and bought black tees and blue jeans in bulk. It must get some pretty weird looks.

"Why was I not informed of you going to the shops," my father asks as I enter his room. The smell of cigarette smoke was dull. It was weird. I knew my father would not be quitting. It just made it clear he wasn't in his office much today. I knew the reason why, as well. It was not something I needed to ask.

"I didn't think you needed to be informed. I was just going for a phone," I answered. I pulled the phone from my pocket, showing it to him. His eyes squinted as he examined it. He pushed air through his lips, making a noise similar to a horse.

"You got pink?"

I took a seat in one of the leather chairs. "Only one they had." My father nods slowly, taking a seat as well. He leaned back, folding his arms behind his head.

"You've told me recently you know where Harry is, correct?"

"Yes sir. I got the information. I'll head there tomorrow. What is the lead you have on him, may I ask." I lean forward slightly. The urge to be closer to my father to hear him better is urgent.

"He has relocated. I don't know of his location, but since you know it's nothing I need to know. I've also made contact with two of his ex employees," my father explained. He pulls a pack of cigarettes from a drawer in his desk. I wrinkle my nose, leaning back.

"Really?  Which one," I asked, watching as my father lights his cigarette. It burns orange turning to a dull red. He blows the smoke from his nose, tilting his head.

"A lad named Clay. He's here now. Thought maybe I would see if you recognized him," my father told me, waving his hand with the cigarette around. He coughs lightly, hitting himself in the chest. "Let me get him," my father says hoarsely. He clears his throat, placing his cigarette in an ashtray before standing.

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