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I know I keep putting A/Ns at the beginning and end but I just can't believe I've wrote 21 chapters. That's the farthest I've ever gotten in a fanfic story! I love u all!!!

I love reading your comments so remember to vote and comment tons :))))

Louis' pov:

I sat uncomfortably in the room. I hated how everyone's eyes were on me. Waiting to find out the reason why I was suddenly alive.

I would be confused too. It's not everyday you see the guy you thought dead alive.

My dad's meeting room was very different from Harry's kitchen. It was similar to the room Luke died in. The table was way bigger and there were lots more chairs. Still, with how big the table was and with all the chairs, lots of people had to stand around the room. On the far wall across from where I sat, there was a table with a pitcher filled with water. A stack of red plastic cups sat beside it.

I stood from my chair, no longer having the nerves to sit still. I walked to the table, and poured some water into a cup. I drank from it with shaky hands, I could still feel their eyes on my back.

The water was cold, which was nice. It helped reduce the heat in my face. I drank until the cup was empty and quickly refilled it.

More people continued to fill in as time went on. A person took my empty seat. I oddly felt no annoyance. I was fine with my spot next to the water.

That's when I noticed Niall. His hair was no longer blonde, but brunette. My heart stopped when he turned towards me, but he didn't even show a reaction to seeing me. It leaves me wondering if he had even seen me. I gulp the rest of my water down, before throwing the cup in the nearby trash.

I wouldn't go up to Niall on my own, despite how it's probably better for him to see me alive now rather than hear it from my father in a few minutes. I wish I could, though. My heart was begging me to but, my brain told me no.

That's when my father stands, making the room go quiet. I bite my lip in anticipation. After seeing Niall in front of me only a few feet away, I was even more nervous. It made my situation even more real.

"This meeting shall be quick," my father paused to look around the room, the action so similar to Harry's. "I want to start off with our unsuccessful but successful win. We lost an entire hideout to Styles, but we got him back with not a scratch on us. Our next step is to wait for him to find a new location and find him." My father lays his hands flat against the table in front of him. He dips his head forward, and places a grim look on his face.

"I have the perfect plan to find out how. This plan will shock all of you, but don't worry. It does not involve you or your friends. It involves my son."

I'm sure they're all over their shock. They have already seen me with their own eyes, so my father will not get the reaction he wants from them.

I was wrong.

The room erupts in chaos. Most turn to me and ask questions that I can not understand. Others throw questions at my father. It was overwhelming. I barely know any of these people yet here they are shooting question after question. My throat grew tight, and my lips pressed together.

"That's enough! Listen to your boss. He is patiently waiting for you all to shut up," I bark. I don't know where my sudden confidence came from, but I like the looks it puts on their faces. I hide my smirk in my hands.

My dad smiles brightly at me, obviously proud of me for sticking up for myself.

"Louis is very much alive as you all have seen. He is very crucial to us. He has Styles wrapped around his finger. He'll be spying for us. We will finish Styles off very soon. I can feel it."

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