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Harry's pov:

At the crack of dawn my phone blared. My usual alarm breaks me from my sleep. I groggily shut the repetitive noise off. A blurry green notification sat on my screen. I blinked my eyes into focus to read the text.

Just woke up. Seeing my dad and Nathan then I'll be leaving around 12:00 can't wait to see u and Niall! :)

My phone clock read 09:03. I had plenty of time to wake up. I dropped my phone back to the table, stretching my limbs like a cat. I sat up in my bed, my duvet still wrapped around my bare waist.

With the little amount of time I have spent in this room I've managed to make it feel more like me. I've spent hours at the shops with Niall and Liam; who have become very close. Liam was decent to shop with, not buying things that were a waste, while Niall I've found to be the opposite. Buying countless stuffed animals that remind him of the people he met; most for Louis. I've never met a 23 year old that was as strange as him.

I had my own collection of stuffed animals piled into the corner of my room. I assumed that Niall bought me them simply because he knew I would find it annoying but for some reason I liked them. Well, I liked them enough to keep them, that is.

I run a hand through my hair, pushing the locks from my forehead. I showered just yesterday but already the roots of my hair were oily. I groaned, pushing myself from my comfy bed. My knees cracked in protest, shooting a sharp pain up my nerves.

My left foot tingles with sleep, making my walk to the bathroom more of a stumble. I flicked the bathroom light on, staring into my reflection. I knew I would look tired but I looked more lively than I usually did. I wet my hands in the running sink, splashing the water across my face, rubbing at my eyes to get rid of the gross sleep crust.

I dried my hands on a towel before taking my morning pee. Instead of pulling up my pants I let them fall around my ankles. I quickly grabbed a shower towel from a cabinet above the toilet, laying it on the bathroom counter.

I turned to the bathroom window, opening the curtains despite how I was completely naked. The view of large mountains and the morning sun relaxed me. A pair of birds soar through air, swirling through the mountains. Even with the glass in the way I could feel the heat of the sun against my cold skin. I was glad it wasn't raining like it usually would be in London during this time of year.

I yank open the shower curtain. My hand flies to my chest as I jump back quickly. Tripping over the bathroom rug and crashing into the tiled wall.

Inside the bathtub was a stuffed animal. It was a green giraffe. I gritted my teeth, stomping back to the shower and grabbing the animal from the ground. I examined it, looking for some sort of letter that gave a reason for its spot in my shower but there wasn't one. I tossed the giraffe from the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

The animal itself was creepy but I think Niall coming into my room without my knowing was even creepier. I hope it wasn't during the time I was sleeping.

I shoved the thoughts of the animal from my head, stepping into the shower. I made sure when I turned the water on I stayed away from the cold spray. Putting just my fingertips into the water to test its temperature. When it was warm enough I let the hot water spray over me. Letting it wet my hair, down to my back. The soft streams of water against my sore back muscles; due to carrying in items from the shops, felt like heaven. The water slowly untangle the knots of muscle until I finally could wash my hair.

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