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Louis' POV:

Harry had me sit on a stool in his kitchen. Tons of men were standing around talking and I felt out of place. The men I knew from home wanted the complete opposite than all these ones. Not only that though, a lot were looking at me like they wanted to kill me.

I recognize one of them as Zayn, who was in a conversation with a blonde guy. If it wouldn't be so awkward I would apologize for shooting him.

Suddenly Harry enters the room and everyone goes quiet. He's looking directly at me, with that annoying smirk on his face.

He stops next to me and places a hand on my shoulder, before leaning into my ear.

"I advise staying quiet. Unless you want them to kill you," he whispers into my ear. I look back at him, and he gives me a small smile before looking away from me. My heart immediately races.

"So as you all can see, we made a big step by taking in Troy's son," Harry says.

"Why don't we just kill him won't it be easier," someone yells out. I look at them and they have tons of face tattoos. He glares back at me. I quickly look away, blushing.

"No," Harry answers.

"How? Harry, you've become reckless. We're free now why can't we go back to the way we were rather than this bullshit," the guy continues.

"We are the same as we used to be. We just can't let Troy get in our way. Us being stuck with the government set us back in the power we used to hold. The world had forgotten about us. We need to remind them, but we can't let Troy be in the way of it," Harry explains. But I only heard half of what he said. My blood is boiling. Had he really lied to me?

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I snap. Harry quickly looks at me with wide eyes, before just as quickly glaring at me. I don't care if I messed up, he lied to me.

"You're stopping my dad just so you can go back to destroying our country," I snapped. The whole room begins to laugh.

"Harry man, You didn't have to get him to trust you that much," someone laughs out.

I stand from the stool, my blood boiling. What he just said blew me over. I grab the guy by the collar, and I punch him across the face. His head whips to the side from the impact.

The man glares at me and grabs me by the throat, cutting off all the air flow I have. I attempt to pry his hands from my throat, but it seems to be impossible.

"Enough," Harry barks. Harry grabs the man holding me, and rips the man's grip from my throat. I gasp out for breath, and almost fall to my knees from the amount of relief I feel once I can breathe. How did all of that happen so quickly?

I rub my throat gently with my hand while glaring up at the man. He's glaring down at me while trying to break free from Harry's grasp.

Eventually Harry must get tired of trying to hold the man back because he takes out his gun and shoots the guy in the head. I find myself not looking away, and find satisfaction with seeing the man die.

Harry carelessly drops the man's body, and turns back to me.

"You can't listen for shit can you," he growls. He walks towards me. He forcefully picks me up from the ground and walks me back towards the stool.

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