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Louis pov:

I sprinted down the long corridor. My nose was raw from my rough breathing, adding to the pain I felt. My back ached, my arms ached. But most definitely my legs ached. I have never had to run so much in my life. My leg muscles were in knots but I pushed through it.

I crashed into a wall, from not being able to slow down my run in time. I quickly recollected myself by using my arms to push myself back into a sprint. Harry's footsteps pounded behind me, matching my racing heart beat. Our attackers remained silent but I knew he was still there from his killing glare on my back. It made my neck hair stand on end.

I whirled around a corner, the brick walls opening into glass ones. I ripped the night vision goggles off once I was out of the smoke. I turned back, searching for our attacker. He was easily flying past the obstacles Harry threw his way. Jumping over the chairs, shelves. Anything in the hallway that Harry threw at him.

I threw the goggles, sailing it straight for the attacker. He twisted out of the way easily, before he continued after us. My throat tightened with even more fear as I turned back, racing towards the nearing dead end. How does it seem to be impossible to beat these guys? They were mortal just like me yet, they were faster than me. Stronger too. I needed to figure their ways before it caused me and Harry's entire system to collapse.

I knew it was my fault we were heading straight for a dead end. I lead Harry and our attacker this way. I should have thought about where I was going instead of just running. I raced through countless thoughts for an exit point. I needed a way through this. I refused to die today. I refused to let Harry die.

I jumped to the right, ripping open a door. I had totally forgotten it was here, but when I saw it out of the corner of my eye I felt relief. The door slammed against the wall and I rushed Harry inside before slamming the door shut and locking it.

Behind me Harry frantically paced the room. He was muttering words I could not understand. The sentences slurring into one big word. I stuck a chair under the door handle before I turned around to him. I grabbed him forcefully by the shoulders, forcing his mind back into the world. He stopped his nonsense mumbling as he looked down at me.

"It all happened so fast," he says with such softness I was worried for his current mental state. I knew he was worried about what his surviving gang members thought of him. They had once been unstoppable. Not one person got through Harry and his mind. Harry always knew a person's motives before they knew their own and yet now he has caused them two downfalls within a week. His leadership will be questioned by all of them and I am even worried for him. His head was seconds from being on a spike.

"I know but right now we have a guy outside the door trying to kill us. We can't deadpan over what just happened," I insisted. I dropped my hands from his shoulders, taking a step back. I wanted him to think of other things so he could help me come up with an escape plan. His mind was better than mine.

Harry's eyes dropped down to my lips. I shook my head, turning from him. "Stop it," I grumbled. I walked towards the door, trying to see through the door crack. I felt as Harry's presence appeared behind me. I could hear him breathing, making me know he was close. I wished he wouldn't do this to me, especially right now.

I knew that he wasn't intentionally trying to make my heart pound in my chest but he still did it. I hated how he had an effect on me and my emotions. I should hate him for the things he has done to me but I found myself not caring and I wanted to know why, but I couldn't. If I thought too much about it, it gave the chances of my feelings growing for him. If I pushed him away long enough my small crush could disappear and I could finally be his friend who didn't want to pin against the wall and kiss him senseless.

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