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Harry's pov:

The front of the building has been cleared out. I was standing waiting for more of Troy's men to run out, but no more came.

When I looked around, all I saw was a bloodbath. Most of the people laying on the ground were unrecognizable. Some were my own but not much. I was thankful for that.

I stepped over a corpse, and towards where Zayn stood. He had a bruise that was already swollen on his left cheekbone. Other than that it looked as if he had no scratch on him.

"How many were there," I asked.

"We couldn't keep count. I'm more worried that they're rounding up more. We need to move further in."

I nod with my lips pressed together. Zayn was right. They could be preparing while we sat around twiddling our thumbs.

"My group! Follow me," I turn to Zayn with a whisper, "Have yours and Liam's men follow behind me."

I rounded a corner, my back pressed firmly to the wall, my gun pointed. The hallway was dark. A light on the ceiling flickered with a slight buzzing.

My boots were uncomfortably loud as I walked. It was impossible for me to keep quiet, and with each step I flinched from it's loudness.

I banged open a door, making sure the room was clear before moving on. Another corner creeps up on me making me turn to Zayn with a finger to my lips. I peeked around, and it was the same as this hallway. Dark. Empty.

I ignored my growing annoyance. I knew there were more guys in here. Clearing them out wouldn't be this easy.

The next door I came across opened more quietly than the previous. Inside were computers and endless filing cabinets. A guy sat at a desk clicking around on one of the computers. I held my palm out to Zayn, letting him know to stop.

I walked back out of the room, shutting the door quietly. I didn't know shit about computers and with my luck the guy could have access to blowing this place up.

"Keep that guy in there. We're going to need him later. I'll take over your men," I whisper to Zayn. He nods, and walks into the room. I wave mine and Zayns men along.

We go through endless hallways. A few times we came across strays of some guys, who I quietly took out.

A guy walks from a room now. Whistling some random tune. He's wearing clothes that's way too big for him. As he walks, he appears to have a waddle. When the short man turns, he stops mid whistle when he spots me, and the hundred of men behind me.

"Look! I had no part of it," he shouts. I furrow my brows. I don't have the time to answer before he's running with his waddle.

I chase after him, after telling Liam to continue on without me.

For such a short guy with a waddle, he's hell of a runner. Not in speed anyway, but in stamina. I try to get him to stop to talk to me multiple times but he just keeps running. Even with me running right beside him.

Finally I grab him by the shoulder forcefully, forcing him to stop. He trembles underneath my touch. No matter how hard I try to get him to look at me he refuses.

"Oh for Christ sake! What did you mean," I ask with a stern voice. The man whimpers, and cowers in himself. I do my best to keep my breathing under control, but the rage I felt in this moment wasn't helping at all.

"Answer me you stupid penguin wannabe," I bark. He jumps at the loudness of my voice. Finally he stops his shaking.

"I don't have any part of it! I'm no more than a janitor here!"

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