Episode 18

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Jinim huffed in annoyance and send a glare towards the girls sitting not far from him.

He just wants to read in peace while waiting for park jimin but the girls won't let him as they busying gnawing and squeeling at him which he found so annoying.

He slammed the book down startling the girls as they let out a gasp and went silent immediately when jinim give them a dead glare.

"Shut up you're too loud"he spit out while the girls scoffed at his rudeness before squirrel away.

He finally breath out and look at the door and a sigh escape his lips when he didn't see jimin,he came to wait for the elder in the library since he knew the older always come here but he  have been waiting forever and the male never show up and he desperately want to apologise for whatever reason he did wrong.

Jinim heard a footsteps from the distance and quickly rushed out and saw park jimin chatting away with someone unfamiliar.

he quickly called the elder catching jimin attention as they turned to look back at him.

Jinim walk and stand in front of him with a sighed escaping his lips as he look down to the floor."I'm sorry jimin i never meant to pick that paper"he whispered with a frown and jimin slowly shakes his head.

"I'm sorry too for yelling at you"he said making jinim smiled and hugged him while jimin chuckled.

"So this is park jinim how much did i missed exactly"jin spoke up and rolled his eyes.

"i will fill in everything later but now let's go and eat I'm starving"jimin pout while jin chuckled and pinched his cheeks making the younger snap a glare at him as he rubbed his cheeks.

Jimin stopped in the front door of the cafeteria and jinim can sense the discomfort of the elder as he stare at the door nervously.

jinim walks to him and took his hand while the older raise a questioning brow at him before jinim intertwined their hands together before dragging the male with him into the room and jimin smiled at his action.

They took their seat and jinim made sure the elder stick with him while  jimin ignore the hard stare the people were giving them since he was used to it and beside he have his twin by his side.

Jimin look toward jungkook direction and gulped when he saw he was with his friends.

He let out a gasped when Jungkook look his direction and flashes a smile following with a winks and a blush tainted jimin's cheeks as he quickly look away.

And to jimin dismay,jungkook rise from his seat and walk to their own and plopped down beside him.

Everyone in the room is left in utter shock at jungkook action as they start murmuring while watching him with wide eyes including jimin.

"We are being the center of attention thank to someone"jinim scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Well i can't stay away from jiminie hyung for so long or I'll die"jungkook blurted out and jimin turned a shade red as he covered his face in embarrassment making jungkook laughed and to teased the older more he leaned to the him while whispering something into his ears and jimin almost turned into a tomato  as he slap jungkook on the shoulder making the younger throw his head back in laughter.

"Guys stop or I'mma throw you two out of here"jin sneered out and rolled his eyes while Jungkook glare at him and jimin stick out his tongue at jin making the male scoffed at them.

"So where the hell is taehyung"jinim asked while Jungkook give him a side shrugged.

"i don't know probably working in the company"

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