Episode 33

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Taehyung quickly intertwined his fingers with Jinim while jungkook put jimin behind his back blocking the male from his father while the man let out a sigh at his sons demeaning action towards him.

"Is this why you two run away from home"he asked his eyes darting from his sons to the two nervous male in the room.

"Don't you think you are too young to be in a relationship"he added making jungkook let out a scoff and snap a glare towards him.

"Well thank you for your advice but it none of your business"

The man let out a sigh and rise up to his feet making them step back from him.

"Follow me"he said gesturing to his two sons as he stepped into the stairs the two share a look before looking back to their boyfriends who gesture them to go and reassured they are going to be alright.

The two complied and follow their father to the room.

Jinim slowly plopped on the soft sofa a tear sliding down his face surprising jimin as the male quickly rush to him and sit next to him holding his hand.

"What wrong jinim are you okay why are you crying"jimin panicked his  worried eyes staring at his twins.

Jinim shakes his head and wipe his tears as another replace itself he pause for a while before gulping and look back to his worried twins.

"I--i am just afraid of all this"he says while jimin lift a questioning brow at him.

"I mean what if tae leave me after this "he whisper softly letting out a broken sigh and jimin studies how he look to the floor eyes in daze with a small frown.

Jimin slowly bought him into his embrace and place a kiss on his head.

For the first time since meeting jinim he never see him look so scared and worried for someone other than him.

"It's okay jinim taehyung will never leave you"

"I'm scared hyung what if his father didn't approve our relationship and taehyung end up breaking up with me"

Jimin watch the way tears began to beam jinim's eyes as his chest soon fell heavy and seeing his twins biting his lips to hold back a sob breaks his heart so bad but now he has to be strong for all of them.

"No jinim I'm sure that's not the case because it obvious that taehyung love you"jimin assured rubbing a soothing circle on his back jinim suddenly pulls away and stare at his twins with wide eyes.

"Tae l-loves me"he stutter out while jimin let out a chuckle since his twins look so cute right now.

"Silly it obvious you guys are in love"jimin added with a small smile.

"N-no we are not we just like each other"jinim stutter out convincing himself with a blush rising to his cheeks.

"no jinim you don't cry for someone you just like"jimin stated emphasising on the word 'like' and roll his eyes at him.

Jinim slowly let out a smile and rubs his sweater sleeve against his eyes.

"I can't believe I can cry for someone other than you and my hyungs"Jinim small voice spoke up before muffles  out a smile at the thought of his boyfriend.

"It normal jinim because you love him"

"Well I'm not so sure about that but what about you why are you so cool with this"he ask staring back at jimin who slowly let out a sad sigh and look back to his lap with a frown.

"I'm not i am just pretending to be okay for jungkook he is probably feelings worst right now at his father and i don't want to add salt to the wound"

Jinim raise up his arm and Pat the males back as jimin gives him a soft smile.

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