Episode 25

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Jinim slowly blink his eyes opened by the bright ungreeting light pouring into the room.he slowly sit up letting the blanket on top of his body falling in their own accord.

He blink rapidly trying to confirm where he was,he tries to slip out of the bed only to squint his eyes at the sudden headache on his head.

A knock on the door catch his attention and the door pushed open with taehyung's head pops in.he smile at him and jinim let out a sigh when the elder hesitates a little before coming into the room with tray on his hands and sit beside jinim on the bed while the younger look away from him making taehyung let out a sigh.

"Here i made you a breakfast and you need to takes some pills for your headache you drinks too much yesterday"taehyung says carefully not to upset the male.

Jinim avert his gaze back to the tray and almost let out a laugh at the meals in front of him.

Taehyung noticed this and slowly look to the floor in guilt.

"I-i'm sorry i can't cook"he says quietly with a deep pout on his mouth which jinim have to clenched his fist not to jumped on the male and kiss the pout away.

"I'm sorry jinim about yesterday but the truth is-------

Jinim let out a gasp cutting taehyung when his eyes paused on the clock on the nightstand.

"Oh my god I'm going to be late for school"he says in panicked and quickly jump out of bed.

"Then let me drop you off jinim"

"No don't worry hyung i can go myself"jinim mentioned and with that he slammed the door shut while taehyung let out a sigh staring at the door with sad eyes.


Jinim exhaled sharply when he finally arrived at school without getting late,he quickly rushed to his classroom ignoring the sharp pain on his head.

As he takes his seat,he watched at the corner of his eyes at how jimin have been staring at him but he decided to ignored the male and face his book.

the class finally over and jinim let out a deep breath and rise to his feet and quickly left the room since he want to avoid his twins as fast as possible but sadly jimin ran after him and grab his wrist stopping him from leaving.

"Umm do you want to go and eat with me"jimin says softly and jinim could sense his uneasiness.

"I'm sorry jimin but I'm busy"jinim says quickly.

"okay but please can you listen to me for a moment"jimin added desperately,his glossy eyes begging the male and jinim weakened instantly as he let out a sigh.

"So what do you want to say-----

"Hey jinim"Jin shout catching their attention as he runs to them while patting heavily.

"Jinim i think taehyung is looking for you"Jin mentioned and jinim let out a frustrated huffed while rubbing his temple tiredly the reason he was trying so hard to ignored the two is because he's not ready yet to accept their new relationship.

For a moment jinim panicked when he saw taehyung approaching them from distance while jimin let out a sigh at the male action,his heart filled with guilt since everything started with him and he was going to solve this no matter what.

Jinim let out a gasp when he felt someone grip his wrist from behind making him to look back and find jungkook looking at him.

Jungkook and jimin met eyes for a moment before jungkook look away from him and face jinim making jimin's heart filled with pain.

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