Episode 23

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For a moment jinim freeze melting in jungkook arms before he realize what he was actually doing and pushed the male away snapping a heavy glare towards him and Jungkook let out a chuckle.

"What the hell are you doing  jungkook you're being selfish"jinim barked giving him a hard look while jungkook exhale sharply brushing his hair to the back.

"I'm not jinim it's true I like you but I love jimin"he said and turned his face to look at jinim who stare at him with wide eyes.

"and why are you telling me this" jinim muttered giving the male a hard look.

"Because i think we need to sort this out and you've been awkward with me because you want to maintain your relationship with taehyung and i also want to stop being self centered for jimin's sake I feel like I have been hurting him too much lately and I want to change that"

He chuckled softly before looking back to the nightlife and slowly release out a sigh.

"You're my friend jinim I don't want us to distance ourselves just because of this"

Jinim sigh before smiling softly and turned to the male."me too kook I may like you but i want to try and make taehyung happy too because he deserve it"

He confessed and Jungkook hummed agreeing with him since he had make up his mind to cheered them on their relationship just like how taehyung always did with him and jimin.

"So I'm your friend how come I don't know that"jinim sneered out while Jungkook glare at him.

"I don't know but I guess you're this wierdo who I found comfortable to get along with and you really know how to make people sadness disappear"

Jungkook admitted making jinim let out a snicker.

"Well I guess that's my effect"he claimed with a proud smile while jungkook fight the urge to rolled his eyes.

"thank you jungkookie for taking me as your friend"jinim whisper as he turned back to the male and flashed his crescent smile at him surprising jungkook with his genuine words before he slowly mimic his action and smile back.

For a moment,they stare at each other letting the soothing music and the dim lights create a peaceful aura to both of them.

"You know you're really a sweet talker tonight you made me want to eloped with you"jungkook joked breaking the silence and winks at the male.

jinim snapped a glare at him before snorting.

"Well I'm taking back my word bitch"he spit out as jungkook throw his head back in laughter while the male rolled his eyes.

"I just pray you don't choke on taehyung dick with that your feisty lips"jungkook snickered.

"I will try not to asshole"jinim scoffed sarcastically and roll his eyes.

And just like that they were back to their old self.

"Let hurry and go inside I don't want taehyung to hunt me down thinking I have really elope with you"he mentioned with a chuckle and jinim rolled his eyes.


Taehyung sigh for the nth times as he watched the male fiddled with his fingers and his eyes glued on the tiles floor.

"Jimin please tell me what's wrong that way I can help you"taehyung says desperately.

Jimin shuffled nervously and let out a deep gulp as he look back at taehyung's worried eyes staring at him.

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