Chapter 29

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Thor's POV

We made it back to where Jane and her friends were staying. I was happy to see Darcy and Dr. Selvig as we arrived. It was good to know they were alright.



"You can't just leave like that! The whole world is going crazy!" I hung my hammer by its strap on the posts beside the door. "All the stuff we saw is spreading." I saw another man there. I had not met him before, but Jane had told me about him. "...Did you go to a party?"

"Erik?" Jane asked.

"Jane! How wonderful." He stood up and hugged her. "You've been to Asgard?"

"Where are your pants?"

"Oh, he, uh, he says it helps him think," Ian replied.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna need everything you've got on this! All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomalies, everything," Jane told Selvig.


"Are you well, Erik?" I asked. He laughed, smiling. Then he paused. "Your brother's not coming, is he?" I frowned, the pain still fresh.

"Loki is...dead."

"Oh thank God." 


"I...I meant I'm so sorry." 

"Thank you." He gave me a hug, patting me on the back before we got to work.

"Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the Nine Realms are connected," Jane explained.

"Amplifying the weapon's impact," Selvig added. "For each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be...universal." 

"Yes, but the Alignment is only temporary," I replied. "He must be exactly in the right place at the right time." 

"Well, how do we know where that is?" Darcy asked.

"We follow the directions." Selvig stood up, grabbing a map. "This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and the Ancients were there to see it." He cleared off a table and laid it out for us. "All the great constructions," He began listing them off. "The Mayans, the Chinese, the Egyptians." He started drawing. "They made use of the gravitational effects of the convergence and they left us a map. Stonehenge, Snowdon, The Great Orm...these are all coordinates taking us..." We looked over at where they converged. "here." 

"Greenwich?" Ian asked.

"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is going to go ballistic. Increases and decreases in gravity, spatial extrusions, the very fabric of reality is going to be torn apart." Jane explained.

"And Izetta's powers blended with the Aether will only strengthen than. It's another reason why she is so useful to Malekith. He will not kill her, nor will the Aether, but we have no way of getting it to leave her now," I added.

"Do you think you could get through to her?" Jane asked me.

"I do not know."

"You said your friend was part Light Elf, correct?" Selvig asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Then, if you can get through to her, her power is also the complete opposite of the Aether. She might be able to use it to expel the darkened force inside herself, but it won't be easy." I summoned my hammer.

"I will do whatever it takes to free my friend." 

"I better get my pants." We all looked at Selvig for a moment. 

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