Chapter fifteen

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A/n: I just read a mha x reader oneshots book (I haven't finished it) and holy shit it is absolutely amazing! One part had over 22 thousand words! Tbh I wish I could write like that.

(2nd person pov)

You awoke to the smell of breakfast, tiredly you sat up rubbing your eyes tiredly. Slowly you crawled out of bed and walked over to your closet. You put on your favorite kimono. It had a sun like pattern to it with some red spider lily patterns. You put your hair up in a neat bun as you existed your room and walked towards the kitchen.

As you continued walking you saw Kyōjurō making breakfast. "Ah good morning Y/n!" He said happily. "Would you like anything?" He asked in his normal cheerful voice. "No I'm alright, I'm not that hungry at the moment. Oh also I am going to go visit the butterfly estate and kanae." You said kindly. Kyōjurō was about to say something but stoped himself not having the heart to tell you. He nodded to you as you put your sandals on and walked out the door.

Senjuro looked up at his older brother as he was eating. "Why didn't you tell her..?" He asked quietly. "I couldn't, she will find out when she arrives. I cant stand to see her in pain I hope she will one day get over kanaes death. But I don't think she will ever forgive douma." Kyōjurō said with a sad smile. "Yeah she would always visit shinobu and kanae." Senjuro said looking down at his food.

You skipped along the dirt road as you happily awaited to see kanae. As you arived at the butterfly estate you knocked on the large doors of the outer walls. A smaller kakushi opened the door and let you inside. "Ah thank you" you said kindly making your way to the front door. You once again knocked and awaited for it to open.

Forever And Always Yours (Douma x female reader) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now