Chapter Seven: Karma

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  • Dedicated to My pug Jack. I might have already dedicated something to him but whatever. He's

"It's already bad. I'm honestly not sure how much worse it's going to get." Notice that I didn't say couldn't get worse. It can always get worse. I know this. And thus I refuse to tempt fate. Superstitious - probably. But magic exists. So does karma, and karma can be a bitch."

Cat Adams, Blood Song

Chapter Seven: Karma

I skipped out of my bedroom with Axel behind me following me down stairs to the kitchen. Adora greeted us with a smile. "You must be the new human." She said, "I'm Adora. I'm the third-in-command's mate."

"No, he's the new female stripper we just hired for Beck's and I's wedding." I replied sarcastically. She glared at me and I smirked.

"Nice to meet you, I am Axel." He said offering his hand she took it and grimaced slightly.

My eyes widened. "Dory! He's human! You have to be gentle." I felt like a mother telling her daughter not to kill the new baby puppy she was squeezing to death.

She released, "Sorry!"

Suddenly out of thin air appeared Maddie looking slightly irritable. "Hey guys." She mumbled.

"Maddie, you okay? You don't look so good." I asked gently. She didn't, she looked like she was sea-sick.


"Do want some toast? Oh and this is my new pet human, Axel." I replied.

"So he's a pet now is he?" Asked a voice I didn't want to hear in the morning.

          "Hello and good morning to you too, my lovely ass-hat of a mate, how did you sleep? With Hanna between your legs?" I replied in a sickly-sweet voice. 

          A high-pitched voice sounded behind me, "I would be between his legs." Hanna the Whore corrected me with a smirk.

          "I don't need to be taught about your sex positions this early in the morning." I replied, "Actually at all for that matter."

          "Your jealous that your mates like me better."

          "Oh yes, I am so jealous of a fake-tanned-Barbie-doll-with-bottle-blonde-hair-who-has-no-selfrespect-that-she-has-to-fake-it-by-sleeping-around-with-our-peoples-mates-and-adding-stupid-comments-that-nobody-cares-about-and-breathing-air-that-others-could-be-using." I said bringing out my inner ghetto and leaving Hanna and everyone else to be stunned-silent. "Oh and you are fake. If you didn't get that from my major burn."

          "Okay, let's try to calm down everyone—" Axel tried to say but Beck cut him off.

          "Oh shut up and bud out human."

          I stood up and pointed at Beck. "Leave my human alone and stop being a dick. Better yet take your lap dog named, Hanna and jump off a cliff." I growled.

          Hanna interjected, "That doesn't even make any sense. Beck's allergic to dogs."

          I gaped at Beck, "Your allergic to dogs?" He nodded. "But you're a werewolf!"

          "Wolves and dogs are a different species!" Hanna exclaimed like she was so proud of herself.

          I really wanted to slap her.


          "Axel you free today?" I asked him.

          He looked confused and then slowly nodded. "Good! We are going shopping." I pulled him away. As an after thought I added, "Maybe if your good I will get you a present from Victoria's Secret." I smirked as I heard a loud growl.


          "So why are we at the pet store?" Axel asked confused looking around the store.

          A Grinch like smile appeared on my face as I read the sign showing where what I was looking for was located.

          "I am buying a puppy." I explained.

          After playing with several puppies, all having something I didn't like: too quiet (I was like that girl on Pitch Perfect), too big (it might eat Tristen), too small (I might lose it), too hairless (No comment) or too lazy (all it did was sleep!). I finally found the perfect dog.

          It was the most adorablest (is that a word? Oh well!), cutiest puppy I had ever seen! It was looking at me with these sad puppy dog eyes that like melted my heart and soul. It was golden retriever and had dark black eyes. I pointed to her and the store clerk explained that she was a troublemaker and not many people wanted her.

          I waved him off and picked her up and started to coo over her when she just jumped out of my arms and ran for the door that was about to be opened. I ran after her and scooped her up into my arms and put her into the play pen.


-She was sneaky and sly

-She was energetic

-She was intelligent

-She was loud

-She was perfect size

-She was SO CUTE!

-She was the dog version of me (no pun intended)

          "I'll take her!" I squealed. Yes, I squealed over a troublemaker that was going to make the pack member's lives hell but how could I not when she was looking at me with those adorable black orbs of cuteness?

          After paying for her we went back to the pack house and showed off my new pet. I turned to Axel, "I am sorry Axel, but you've been replaced."

          "What's her name?" Maddie asked. Petting her on the head.

          "Karma. 'Cuz Karma's a bitch. See what I did there?"

          Adora laughed, "I see what you did there."

          We all laughed, "Good, because I don't." I joked. But everything went silent when Beck walked in from doing patrol. His instantly started sneezing. He began to sniff around for the scent but I hid Karma behind a plant.

          "Why do I smell a dog?" He asked me.

          "Because we are werewolves." I answered feigning innocence.

          He studied me and then passed by to go upstairs. I let out a sigh then pulled Karma out of her hiding spot.

          "Why didn't you rub her into his face?" Adora asked confused.

          "Step Five: Make the victim think they are going crazy."


Please don't rip out my kidney and sell it on the black market! Or to an elf! Don't look at me like that...elves need kindey's to you know. And I am short, therefore elf-sized so it would make sense...anyways! 

I hoped you liked it. Nxt chapter you will get to find out what Evynne plans to do with Karma. And come on...look at that picture>>>>> She's so cute! Karma is. Not Evynne. I don't bat for that swing. Wait...that's not right. Oh well!

Have fun!

V----V Vampireluver23

P.s. I don;t knot why I told you to have fun. I am on like a caffeine rush!

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