Chapter Eighteen: Equivalent Exchange

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So sorry for not updating in for ever! But I hope this chapter help explains some things. If you have any question I will try to answer them and not spoil the story for you. 

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

-Mahatma Gandhi 

Payback Sucks So Do You

Chapter Eighteen: The Story of a Coma

“EVYNNE! YOUR ALIVE!” I turned around to be tackled by Adora and Maddie. They hugged me and we had a touching moment when I noticed something.

“Wow, you are wicked fat!” I exclaimed without thinking. She shot me an alpha female worthy glare and I flinched.

“No shit!” she snapped, then she grew guilty. “Oh yeah, I forgot you didn’t know. I’m pregnant –“

“– with twins.” We finished in unison.

Adora and Maddie stared at me, “How did you know that?”

“I don’t know.” Probably how I should have answered instead of, “well, in my comatose state, I invented to an alternate reality in which Beck died, you were preggers with twins, Adora was extra sassy. All interested was captured by rogue. And when did I exactly go into this coma?”

“Do you remember when you told Beck you were pregnant with Kody’s baby?” I I nodded. “Oh you took back outside so he  wou ldn’t kill Kody any lefty when the woods. You were gone for a while so back and Eryx went out and looked for you they found you unconscious and you’ve been in a coma since.” Adora explained.

“So I never met Axel?”

Maddie asked, “Who is Axel?”

I could feel everyone’s eyes on me and I blushed. “No one.”

Beck growled, “Evynne –“

“boy in my hungry exhibition point I feel like I had been eaten in three months. Oh wait, I haven’t.” I interjected rubbing my stomach. “Someone’s make me food. Probably the same person who ditched me… in the woodsalone in the first place. And rejected me.” I looked at Beck with a devious smile.

He gave me a look that said: we are not done talking about this, then he got up and walked into the kitchen.

See for now

“But I don’t want commoner noodles.” I argued.

“Just eat the soup.” Beck said pushing the bowl of Roman noodles towards me.

“I’m not a commoner. Are you implying that I am?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


From far away you could hear, “Beck, stop calling Evynne a commoner.”

Beck glared at me. Still glaring. Oh my God how long has he been holding that glare? Five minutes? Suddenly he seemed wrote gotten idea because he stopped glaring.

“Evynne, who’s your favorite Doctor?” He asked. “David tenet. He is with you chapter and his accent is sexy. Plus he such a good actor and portrays the doctor in a very –“ Beck shut the spoonful soup in my mouth.

He smirked victoriously, “you suck.” I replied before eating the rest of the common noodles.

When I was done he dragged me back to his room and many Sedona bed. “So my coma had my copy of 27 Dresses, it is true?” I questioned.

He stared at me for a moment, “no, I don’t have 27 Dresses.”

“Okay.” As part of silence your commitment to say something but IBM, “we should play game. Let me ask each other questions.”

“You mean 20 questions?”

“Fine, if you want to put a limit on it. I was going more for…” I trailed off trying to think of a name. Suddenly I got an idea for a name, so I jumped up excitedly. “IT’S EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE, BECK!”

He stared at me with a smile on the face, “How did I get cursed with you is my mate?” he teased.

I smirked, “You’re just lucky I guess.” He rolled his eyes. “Cool, I go first exhibition point if you could be any occupation besides beta, what would you be?”

He seemed relieved, “a superhero.”

“Good answer.” On you don’t have an imagination. I’m so proud. “I want to be alchemist.”

He rolled his eyes,” I see. What is your favorite beverage?”

“Yoo-hoo.” I replied. One question still popped in my mind. I smirked, “If you could be any type of bird what we to be?”

“A parrot.”

I stared at him, Is this real? We actually have something in this common. “Same.” We stared at each other for a moment with big smiles on our faces.

“What’s your honest opinion of me?”

“In the most obnoxious man I’ve ever met.” I joked, with a flirty smile. “Well besides the fact that you rejected me, I think you are: arrogant, an idiot, very attractive, sweet at times, and also at times in fun to be around.” I knew the question I wanted to ask, but I wasn’t quite ready to hear the answer. So I decided to ask a random one. “What’s your favorite anime?”

“I don’t like anime.”

“Have you watched it?”


“And how did you know you don’t like it?” I asked. Idea forms my head. I bolted across his room and into mine I grabbed some anime and ran back, “Okay, I’ve got: angst he alchemists, teens trapped in a videogame, five attractive flirty guys and one girl, high schoolers that go to awesome school. Choose your addiction.”

He looked like house asking them to choose John Green books; didn’t he know I was going to make him watch all of these eventually? “I take the alchemists.”

I frowned, “I was hoping for Tamaki but Ed is just as good.” I put the DVD in “Wait do you have any irrational fears such as: serial killers, fires, hybrid monsters, and overly religious people?”

“Those aren’t irrational. Except the religious people. No, I don’t.”

“Good.” I pressed play gently down on his said, he watched me with a conflict look. I reached my arms towards him, “Come cuddle with me.”

He grinned in my stomach felt funny, “Beck, I don’t mean to startle you I think I’m pregnant.”

He fell off the bed onto the floor, “WHAT!?!”

“I’m kidding.” We began watching the first episode, but that same question bothering me. Come on Evynne, be brave like Lily Potter. “Why did you reject me?”


So I am starting a little manga series for this story and I will be posting them on deviantart and probably a few on here. my username on there is vampireluver23 like on here. This is my first time doing anything like this and I hope you like them!

Also, I used my Dragon software so if there are mistakes, if  you have any complaints about them please address them to Diego (my dragon software).

Also, animes mentioned: Fullmetal Alchemist, Sword Art Online, Ouran Highschool Host Club, and Baka & Test. All of them are my loves. And Hetalia although I didn't mention that one. (I <3 America and Japan!) 

V----V Vampireluver23

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